Now, what I mean about that, is that Conservatism at it’s core revolves around fear. The fear of loss of power, wealth, influence, morality. The fear of change. That is why most people who identify as conservative are when viewed through a historical sense are on the wrong side. Example when black children were not allowed to enter a all white school. Fear makes us do bad to dangerously bad things, and it’s infected the Republican party completely, which is why a fascist like Trump is leading. He plays on that fear, and maybe it’s the fear of how fast the world is changing.

Technology has become faster, and information is everywhere, and everyone has an opinion; and by that, everyone interprets history, laws with their own biased.

Granted this is has my own biased as well.

But we are aware of it. I am not the first to comment on it. But the world is changing, and there is a strong desire to ignore it, and travel backwards in time.

We can’t, change will happen.

We can’t stop it, we can only adapt to it.

I am not saying conservatism is wrong, but, it is time to acknowledge that it too needs to change. Fear and anger, which are the same emotion, lead to negative things. It’s what allows us to perform atrocities. Fear and anger are also easier, which makes those that allow these emotions to control them, cowards.

To be brave, you need to fight the emotions within, which is hard. Doing the right thing, understanding others, it is hard, which makes it the braver route. You need courage to pull yourself back and try to understand.

Now liberalism can led to arrogance and the lack of understanding, it can. But at it’s core is the desire to make the world a better place. And change for change sake is not always the right thing either.

So the sum up and make this post smallish, really it comes down to balancing the two. Between fear and desire. However the current Republican party, shouldn’t be supported, because they’ve gone completely into fear, they’ve embraced it.

Which will allow them to support a government like Nazi Germany with Trump as the new Führer.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.


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