The Sleeping Dragon Awakens

So first let me say, that America or the US, has never solved any of its problems. And what I mean by that, what we are seeing today, has always existed.

We do not learn from history.

Now I am not just saying that about America, the rest of the world is pretty good about unlearning history too. Looking at you England.


Looking at today, and looking back at the past, you can draw similes. Compare the patterns before to patterns now.

And doing this, can really, really, terrify you. It’s not fun to follow thought bubbles to the inevitable thought bubble. Though I will stress, they are still just thought bubbles, and that no one can really predict the future.

We can only guess.

But I can say with some certainty, that what I have experience with the rise of the ‘Tea Party’, the 99%, and ‘Black Lives Matter’ movements, they are not just individual protests.

They are linked with a single desire.

That we feel oppressed, undervalued, that our lives mean little to our government.

Granted micro-protest are different from each other, and I am trying not to co-opt any of them, I am just looking at them, and then at the 60’s movements.

Which we didn’t learn anything from.

But it’s starting to sink in, perhaps because technology has become better, information is easier to access. I don’t know, but it’s almost as if the larger lower, and middle classes are waking to the realization that things are not good.

That things should be better than what they are.

And looking at history, the middle to lower class, have more power than their governments.

The more members you have engaged to the process the less corrupt a government can be.

Using corruption, much like freedom, does get tricky; because it can mean so much to different people.

It needs to be said, we are stronger united than we are divided.

Updating a government is not a bad thing, values and ideals change with the times. They are supposed to, much like a child growing up, it is time that we as a people say what we want, and we need to keep in mind what sort of freedom we want to leave to those that come behind.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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