Homunculus: Children of Mankind

*Disclaimer; this short story, though set in the future and on Mars, deals with sex trafficking. As such some may find this depressing or possibly offensive.* *********************************************************************** Everything was nothingness. It was peaceful. And then She became aware of herself. She opened her eyes, squinting against the brightness of the sun. As her eyes grewContinue reading “Homunculus: Children of Mankind”

Superman and Wonder Woman

Okay don’t know how relevant this is anymore, but I dislike the Superman/Wonder Woman pairing. And it’s more than the joke from Mallrats and it’s this; It removes both of their humanities. What I mean by that, both are demi-gods, in Superman’s case, possibly a god. But they are above the ‘mortals’ they protect. It takesContinue reading “Superman and Wonder Woman”