Lord of the Rings Orcs

So before I start, I want to recommend a book series by Jim C. Hines, because the series deals with what I wish to discuss in this post. The Goblin Quest Series But I dislike the Lord of the Rings movies by Peter Jackson, for multiple reasons, but in this post I wanted to compare theContinue reading “Lord of the Rings Orcs”

Homunculus: Children of Mankind

So this is the third part of the story; and like the previous two parts this is a very dark story. Part One. Part Two. Homunculus: Children of Mankind, Into the Mirror She kept walking down the tunnel, until she turned a corner and came upon one of the bubble-like domed sitting parks. She couldContinue reading “Homunculus: Children of Mankind”

Star Wars Last Jedi Second Thoughts

So I just watched this video and it got me thinking about the video again. I really did enjoy the film, and though I am hearing the same things about it that was covered by Jenny in her video, but I find that I agree with her. It has become solidified as my second favorite. And thoughContinue reading “Star Wars Last Jedi Second Thoughts”