Why I am harsher to Liberals now

First off, I grew up in the Nineties, I remember watching Bush Senior on my Grandparents old television; the large wooden one with the dial to change channels; and I am bringing this up to help people understand my back ground and kind-of where I am from.

I am from a family of Farmer Liberals. I was bottle-fed politics at every family gathering. Which were loud because everyone tried to talk over each other. So honestly there was no way that I wouldn’t eventually grow to pay attention to politics, and history, which was another subject that was brought up quite a bit.

So from my point of view I don’t see it as being harder on the left, because anything I would criticize of the left, I would do so for the right as well. And I have, multiple times with my friends, and former friends who were conservative. If I think they are in the wrong I will say so. But in this day and age, there are so many doing so that I guess I don’t really feel the need to. Or that isn’t correct, it’s more that the Republicans are so divided now, that I don’t really view them as a threat to our culture as a whole.

Trump has done one thing, he has smashed the Republican party. He is such a bad example of them, that many have stepped back and have had to re-evaluate what it means to be Republican. The same with the party, they have control, but cannot get anything done. Their incompetence is on display, and the nation sees it. In the next election cycle, Democrats are more than likely (granted things change so predicting the future is not an exact science, I am just trying to conceptualization it with historical examples) going to take control of both the House and Senate. Especially if the Supreme Court destroys the South’s ability to Gerrymander.

Here is the thing about the last Presidential Election, the Russian’s didn’t create the divisions that are here, they just applied pressure. And from what I am seeing, many of my liberal friends are not taking that seriously. They are geared up to fight, to the bitter end, to defend their beliefs. There is not compromise within the ranks. And that scares me. I believe in cooperation, and I want my Government to compromise, not swing between to extreme opposites. That can lead to chaos, and violence. Because it will go against one of the principle of this country, the ability to change parties and ideas peacefully.

Much like many, including myself, feel that there is no party for them anymore; the Democrats having become more Centrist, more akin to the Federalist party of old; if the opposition party of the current government may end up feeling like there is no potential to ever gain power peacefully again.

To Big to Fail.

That was what they said of the banks within my lifetime. And that attitude is also prevalent about the USA. It’s too big, too old, to ever truly collapse. But so was the Roman Republic, so was the Roman Empire, so was the British Empire, so was the Soviet Union, so was even now Brazil. All of them were affected by internal pressures while also external. The USA can collapse, and it can erupt into another civil war. We may already be on that path, only those with the ability to look backward will be able to tell.

But all of those fears aside, in the present, we should actually hold ourselves accountable. We should strive to not create a bubble around ourselves. We should listen to those of different opinions. We should be insulted, question our beliefs. And I don’t see too many liberals doing that, and since that gave rise to Trump in the first place, it’s frustrating to watch as history repeats itself. Conservatives do it too, and when the Democrats have office, and they become loud again, I will tell them, and write posts about their folly. Sadly for me too, I am trapped by the circle of politics.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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