More Star Trek Thoughts

So I was browsing Youtube, and I came across a video that brings up how Star Trek was created by a SJW, and though I am going to describe why I disagree, it’s a good video. And it’s a thing I am not happy about, one it’s applying our way of thinking to the past, those in the past do not think the way we do, there are similarities but that it is it. Second, you can, and this is what I am growing tired of, be liberal, progressive, want social change, and not be an SJW. Star Trek wasn’t created by a SJW, it was created by someone who wanted to make a show, and had liberal/progressive values. In fact the original universe, and lets be fair, STD has more in common with the movies than it does the original universe and fits better in that universe, spoke out against extremism. And SJW are extremist. They are just as authoritarian as those who want a Christian nation on the right spectrum. And yes, not all, some are genuine in their desire for social change, but the movement has become toxic, and has started to cry wolf at everything. STD suffers from that, it has a main character who is loved by everyone in the show, but has not actually proven it to the audience. And it’s not the actress’ fault for that either, it’s the writing. They gave her nothing really to work with, they didn’t have character growth, and the plot went out of it’s way for her. The messages are also over the top and talk down to the audience; and yes TOS had episodes that were blatant too, but unlike STD it was a bottle show, and I would say it’s far easier to make message episodes within that formula. Mainly because you have brought the audience in with the characters and previous stories. And that was what TOS, TNG, DS9, and even VOY did well, they brought people in, didn’t talk down to them, or treat their audience as if they were the cause of all of the worlds problems. They made people think, to question, to actually look at themselves, because those shows treated their audience like they were rational individuals capable of doing the right thing. That people made mistakes, and were capable of learning from them. STD doesn’t, SJW shows don’t, we are told how to think, what to think, and if we disagree we are labeled as the enemy. Which is rather telling, because it’s the same mentality that the right had after 9/11. Witch hunts are very easy to start, but they do not produce anything good. So stop trying to say that Star Trek has always been SJW, when no, it’s been Liberal, Progressive, but it’s never been extreme in it’s message or it’s presentation, until now. And it’s not even STD that started that, it was the movie universe. *Movie universe here refers to Abrams’ films.
And while I am commenting on it, there are three timelines in Star Trek at this point. TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY are one timeline; while First Contact and Enterprise another timeline; while Abrams’ Movies and STD are another timeline. And that is because they all fit together.

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Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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