Favorite Science Fiction Films

So I was thinking about this, and I felt like sharing some of my favorite Science Fiction movies.

Enemy Mine

Blade Runner

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back (Favorite Star Wars Film)

Star Trek Undiscovered Country (Favorite Star Trek Film)


Silent Running

John Carpenter’s The Thing

The Matrix


The Fifth Element


Time Bandits

The Last Starfighter

Back to the Future

The Terminator


Starship Troopers




Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (Favorite Planet of the Apes Film)


Heavy Metal

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind



A Clockwork Orange

And this is why I could never actually have a top ten favorite movie collection. This is just Science Fiction Films that I consider my favorite, and it’s 28; two more, and I am sure there are two out there that I am forgetting, and it’d be 30. And that again is just one genre.

Two movies that are not really Science Fiction, more Thriller really, that came to my mind, and was reminded of when making this list are,

If… and In Bruges

But yeah these are action thrillers…so they don’t really count for this list. Just two more movies that I love.

*course I post this and then realize them, plus a couple more:

Secret of N.I.M.H

Titian A.E

The Dark Crystal


Wing Commander

**And that is the end of my list**

So I have been going through the films, and realized that The Island should have been on this list as well. So yeah, this film has been updated 1/30/19.

4/9/19 List Update;


Super 8

Star Gate

Which brings the number up to 37 films…I have a list that is a bit to large. Which is not such a bad thing, it gives me a big list to watch if I am ever bored, and I expect it to grow bigger with time.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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