A Very Series Topic

So this is something that I don’t always talk about, but it’s something that I have had to deal with my entire life, mental illness. I either try to keep myself together, or make jokes to lighten the mood, in fact I actually make a lot of jokes about myself. Also I am a slight narcissist,Continue reading “A Very Series Topic”

Favorite Science Fiction Film: Rocky Horror Picture Show

So the last film that I covered was Heavy Metal, and the reasons I love this film, Rocky Horror Picture Show, are the same.  This film is also outside the norm, it goes against culture, and it’s wonderful. Also this film is full of fantastic music. Like I don’t know how much I can stressContinue reading “Favorite Science Fiction Film: Rocky Horror Picture Show”

School Speech

I was invited to a school to talk about writing a couple of days ago, the 28th, which was the end of literacy month. I wrote a speech for it, and though I had to condense it, I am a little proud of it, so I wanted to share it here. —————————————————————————————————————————————– Good Morning, WhatContinue reading “School Speech”

Favorite Science Fiction Film: Heavy Metal

Full List of Science Fiction Films Here, Previous Movie Here, Heavy Metal! To start this off, I have to admit that I don’t really find anything taboo. Either to talk about or what a person chooses to do with their lives. Now that doesn’t mean that I approve, it just means that I don’t disapprove.Continue reading “Favorite Science Fiction Film: Heavy Metal”

Favorite Science Fiction Films: Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

Ape has killed ape! That’s not from Conquest, but it is from the last of the original five Planet of the Apes films, it’s a funny part of that film, and even just thinking of those five films makes me think about that scene. It’s a goofy funny scene. Though a memorable one. The filmContinue reading “Favorite Science Fiction Films: Conquest of the Planet of the Apes”