The GOP are cowards

I have thought about this now for a while, trying to put everything into context. What does the Trump impeachment, which to be fair I saw coming, mean. Besides that some conservatives see Trump as the second coming of Jesus.

Which I still can’t believe, and I know that it’s because many cannot see beyond themselves, to see the damage that can be wrought by their choices.

But I can sum it up like this:

If Trump is the best that Christianity has to offer, why would anyone be Christian?

But back to the results of the Impeachment, I have heard that it’ll win Trump his second term. And it might, especially since the left all of sudden lost control of itself and is putting on a piss-poor performance.

Despite all that, I stand by what I stated earlier.

Because Trump is an idiot, and he’s already started to break the law again. And he’s going to cost the government, ie us, millions in lawsuits. And not for all the breaks he takes to his own resorts.

You can’t just take a look at one part, you have to look at the whole. And taking in the whole, despite the up tick in how people feel about him now, the momentum will not last. And I feel sorry for the GOP. Because the truth will get out, and it’ll make them look like what they are.

A weak party trying desperately to hold onto power.

The GOP is slowly standing for less and less of what Americans, US citizens care for. And they know it, but they have no desire to change. That is why nothing has really happened. Well except that the poor is staying poor, while the rich are becoming vastly wealthy. Because trickle down has never worked.

The one thing that Conservatives can be happy about is that they have won, they have rolled back almost all of the safety nets of the new deal. Now I am not saying all of them were good, but nor were they bad. A lot of them held the greed in check. It’s interesting that we’ve reached the new 20’s and we’re now re-living the ‘gilded age’. Because the GOP will not be happy until only a few have wealth, and we re-live the ‘Great Depression’. They’ve even done away with the laws that were put in place after the Great Recession to stop the banks from being ‘To big to fail’. They haven’t learned, and I guess neither has America.

When America choose to re-elect George W. Bush again, I remember saying, fine if they want the rope to hang themselves, they just got it. It wasn’t hard to see where the GOP was leading us. Their policies have always been about putting in place Trickle Down. The American people are expendable, gullible, and just a means to stay in power. They pretty much say that, and yet people vote for them.

Now don’t misunderstand me, I have issues with the Democrat party as well, but the only way that the GOP can get votes is to lie and distort facts. And people believe them. Despite that people want what the Democrats are selling. It’s this really weird thing that I cannot really wrap my head around. Or it might just be as simple as fear and false hope is easier to sell than truth. But eventually ‘chickens come home to roost.’ Eventually people are not scared, and it’s true to say, most Millennials and younger are more tech savvy than the GOP. It’s harder to trick them, for the most part, sadly I have also seen the opposite. Perhaps I am wrong thinking that. But on the flip side, the GOP and conservative people have paid a lot to try and convince the youth of today to follow what they think, the same way they have with media for those who are older.

And conservatives who blatantly lie and twist facts are being called out for it now. That’s why they get so bent out of shape, and claim 1st amendment rights. It’s interesting that there is a large conspiracy to turn America ‘left’, which has been so insidious to not leave a trail of money or evidence, and have infiltrated the government to such a degree that the GOP (who did control all of the government) were powerless against them. And the ones who claim that have the most to loose if people stop buying their ideology, and have spent millions of dollars to convince people of it.

Seriously it’s a con job, they’re selling snake oil, and people are drinking it up. A con job from those that have the most to loose. Who are scared to loose power. That is what I realized, what I and other will soon see, the GOP are just scared men/women desperate to hold onto power. So scared that they would support the worst of their polices put on display by a demagogue.

Trump will continue to screw up. It’s in his nature, he lacks common sense, and has never suffered the consequences of his actions. It makes him a loose canon, and if you don’t think the GOP sees it. Just look at the fear covering their faces, especially when they have to defend his antics. They are cowards, and all it takes is taking a step back and evaluating what is happening.

Give it a week are so, and Trump’s popularity will wain again. Because a demagogue who plays off white racist fears, can never actually get the full support of the people. Especially not of a nation as rich and diverse as the United States.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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