To Catch the Sun!

I have traveled through the desert, wandering for centuries, only to finally catch the Sun!

Ah to spy that ever elusive sparkle, to feel the warmth on my face after years of searching!

Only once more to have the shadow cover my face as the Nightmare takes flight!

As the Sunlight is blotted from the sky casting me back into the shadow as it spreads it’s wings!

Back into isolation and loneliness I am thrust against my will…

To once more to cry tears of blood upon the fallow ground, to have the sun ripped away after finally finding it!

And will I find the burning ball of life that for but an instant gave me joy?

Death will not say, Time will not say, for they refuse to share their secrets and now I must resume my toil!

Return to the desert which nearly took my life, I must persevere lest it try to claim me again…

Has that glimpse of the Sun resolved me to keep traveling, bolstered my armor against the desert…

Perhaps, but for how long can it withstand the sandstorms that rage within this desert…

Only Death and Time know, and they do not share their secrets with mortals…

We all have such short times in this desert, striving toward the horizon….

Hoping and praying that our suffering means something, just to glimpse the Sunlight could fill our hearts!

Perhaps to catch the Sun, to hold it in the palm of our hands, to nurture it into life and feel it’s warmth!

Come Sphinx ask my the riddles that I may weather the desert and catch the Sun once more!

Almighty Chronos share your secrets that I might know the outcome of my travels and bolster my resolve!

But all there is, is the desert, the desert which is plagued with death worms and Ghouls…

Creatures that have braved the desert, creatures that shun the Sun and it’s healing light!

Is that my fate? To be swallowed by the desert, to transform into a creature devoid of light?

A creature who sustains itself by eating the corpses of others? To devour the light within them…

Tears of blood drip slowly to the fallow sands, only to be swept away from the fierce desert winds!

And yet I walk…

To where, to the Sun, to the warm light that I have once felt upon my face!

To be reborn, like the Phoenix, at the end of my journey!

Will I reach it, only Death and Time know, and they do not share their secrets…

For they do not care for my tears of blood, much like the desert I travel…

And much like Death and Time, the desert keeps It’s secrets, sweeping them beneath It’s sands…

Oh to find an Oasis, only for a little while, but there are none to be found…

All around me is the desert, the cold frigid desert, whose nature is to consume and destroy…

Why must I face this desert alone…


(So to address this, because this poem is dark, and I would be lying if there wasn’t a touch of my emotions in them, however I am fine. Like many the pandemic isn’t being kind to me, and I needed an outlet. And for a while I wasn’t able to write, which is very hard for me to not do. Happily I am fighting through the slump I was in, and am bouncing back. Poems for my have been an outlet, and if you are interested, I do have a poem book for sale on Amazon. Which I never thought I would make to much on, sadly poems are hard to sell. But really it was more for me than for the bottom dollar. I like to write poems, it’s very cathartic, and I would encourage anyone who was having a bad day to try it. But enjoy the poem above, don’t worry to much, like I said I am doing fine. And I hope everyone is doing okay during this pandemic.)

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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