Trump the Tyrant

Tyrant – a cruel and oppressive ruler.

“These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!” Trump tweeted shortly before 1 a.m. Friday.

The Right Rev. Mariann Budde, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, who oversees the church, told The Washington Post that she found out about the visit when it was shown on television and that she was “outraged” by what she saw.

She said she “was not given even a courtesy call that they would be clearing with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop, holding a Bible, one that declares that God is love, and when everything he has said and done is to inflame violence.”

Democrats blasted the move, as well.

“The desire for a certain backdrop for a press announcement is not a security requirement,” Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, tweeted. “In other words, using the power of the U.S. Military to clear out peaceful protestors for a presser is a massive abuse of power. “

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., was more succinct. “Donald Trump just tear-gassed peaceful protesters for a photo op,” she tweeted.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the decision “shameful.”

I wanted to remind everyone, what has been happening, because I am now terrified that Trump is going to give the unlawful order to send military forces in to shoot American citizens. Using deadly force aggressively to stop looting clearly violates the governing rules for the use of force, principles of de-escalation, and the principles of using only minimum force, as a last resort. 

It is pretty obvious that Trump really doesn’t know what he is doing, and those who are around him are not reigning him in. There is a precedent, there is history, of why it is illegal to escalate. Honestly only Republicans can reign him in, but like the Council of Ministers during Chernobyl they care more about protecting their careers and not what is right. 

Am I being alarmist, perhaps, but I went back to my post warning about something like this happening, and I gave up around April 2017. I know there are more however there are months of posts, and I discussed this ad nauseam, but starting in 2016,

This Post,

This Post,

This Post,

This Post,

This Post,

This Post,

and This Post,

And note, I am not saying that I can predict the future, I am saying that after studying and learning so much history you start to see the patterns emerge. You start to look at the bigger picture. All of these post are one long discussion about how once you let the genie out of the bottle, the outcome is inevitable.

You fire bullets at protester, American Citizens, and you start us on a dangerous route.

And that is the route to the 2nd Civil War, ( I had to find This Post, because it deals with the French Revolution, but that is what the 2nd Civil War would become. Which while looking for that post, this is a post discussing the Racism in the USA from May 2017.)


And I would like to stop, because the feeling of hopelessness that I feel, is very strong. I can see the cliff, because it’s the same cliff that others have faced from previous periods of our history. They to leapt from it to their doom, and it’s almost maddening that we are not trying to deviate from History’s Path. Learn From History or You Are Doomed To Repeat It.

I am imploring the Republicans, both the Authoritarian Right and Libertarians to stop the car before we fall off the cliff. I am imploring the Military to ignore what is going to be an unlawful order when he orders you to shoot looters. Eventually the momentum will be to much, and we will be forced over the cliff.

Label White Supremacy Groups Terrorists. Because they Are! They want the 2nd Civil War, and are actively undermining effort of peace, and we know this because it’s the digital age, the interactions are there for the world to see. They are recorded for those who will look back the way we do with the Civil War and Civil Rights.


Deescalate tensions in the twin cities, which only true justice can provide, we all know it unlike our Representatives who drag their feet.

Re-evaluate each police officer, and analysis of their mental and physical abilities, study their background, and if they violate people of the community rights. Because if a police has the history of ignoring a person’s civil liberties, it’s pretty clear they’d/Will kill a person. Fire them.


Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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