Anticipatory Grief

Before me lays a barren landscape littered with the dead
Murders of crows tear flesh creating lakes of the bled
Barren soil soaked with entrails of the bodies and turned red
Flayed flesh gobbled by the winged beast till all of it is shred
But I must continue walking through this Hellscape onwards I must tread

My heart yearns, for what I had before, but it yearns in vain
My Soul dragged down, struggling, against this heavy chain
Beaten down by the horror-able torrent of bloody rain
Why must I struggle and fight alone against this horrible strain
I loose all that I am, I loose all that I have gained

The worst of this journey in this Hellscape is how numb I grow
Blood and carnage so familiar that my pain no longer shows
The innocents of childhood lost and forgotten so long ago
My mind grows blank, and the feelings no longer flow
Fog clouds the mind, numbness, as though I were covered in Snow

A more sinister realm of self-pain and torment there is not
The Wails of the damned float on the wind, and make the blood clot
Broken bodies, twisted in dead, along the landscape to dot
All their sorrow lost in the wasteland, their identities forgot
The torture that is existence will always be our lot


Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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