Finding A Second Wind

All in Life have to Swim
Beautify the world with Anything
Callousness surrounds Us all the Time
Dawning Faith Rises in the Sunshine
Exploring the world should be our Key
Forgotten mysteries are abound
Gloriousness to the Marching sound
Hallelujah the People Marching cry
Inspiration Surrounds us in our daily Life
Joyous will be the Soul when joy is found
Knelling down to catch the Sound
Learning to Enjoy Life may be Hard
March Forward Unbowed and Unbroken
No One has a Right to Block Your Path
Onwards Towards Glory We shall March
Plaster the Sky with Our mighty Cries
Questing for the Beast we tread
Ruination we all can Dread
Salvation is something we all must Find
Till then we all can Try
Unbroken and Unbend Travel forwards
Veneration of Our Elders
Wonderfully the Sky grow Illuminated
Xenagogues Light the Path Ahead
Yearning to Find Our Way
Zealousness for Life is Okay

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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