Working in the Schools 2021

1/6/21 – Was supposed to work at the northern school district, they canceled, so I took a job at the central school district highschool. They are actually Hybrid Distance Learning, and didn’t need me, so I ended up at one of the central school district elementary schools. I helped them in the kitchen, which was pretty zen actually. I have worked similar jobs before, it was like an assembly line, so I just focused on my work and let my mind relax. Went with to deliver food, and it was a good day, until I got home and saw what happened in our capital.

However I will get to that further down. Spoilers, I am furious, but again my rant will come later.

1/7/21 – I worked at the closer western school district in the kindergarten. Besides the kids being energetic, and the computer not working early in the morning, it was a good day. It was routine.

During their phy-ed and music I had to calm myself, as I caught up on the news that was happening. Happily I was able to compartmentalize my anger away.

1/8/21 – I was back out at the closer central school district, this time at the highschool, and spent a good amount of time trying to get 7th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders to keep their masks up. I also checked the covid number for my state, at this time they’ve only had 18 deaths, where as the county I live in has had 67. They are also farther from the capital, and a smaller population. There are factors. I did have one 10th grader complain that all he was hearing from people were facts in regards to covid.

That ties into what I have notice this year. I live in the area that supports Trump. Not all, but a good amount. Not to mention that the one town I am working in, will soon have a racist whites only church. Trump supporters are not shy about voicing their hatred of anything the government does. Especially the Democrats.

Now I have been an Independent since highschool, and I remain so due to my desire to not be partisan. To not let my emotions dictate how I view the world. To try and see all points of view, even if I end up disagreeing with them.

To not be part of a tribe.

Honestly I also feel like I am part of a growing minority as well. Those that use reason and facts, and those that when presented with new data that disproves our facts we re-evaluate instead of doubling down. Those that would rather use reason instead of violence.

Because I am not a pacifist because I dislike violence. I am a General Sherman, once I commit to that path, there are no rules. In fact in my anger I said somethings to my like minded friends that scared me. I am a pacifist because I understand, because I listen to those that have experience war and violence, that once you commit to that action people will die.

I am so burned out from trying to get people to not resort to tribalism, that I will admit, I have given up, I don’t think it will happen.

Facts matter, and if your facts are not correct, then change your opinion to fit the new data. Conspiracy theories should be viewed by asking the simple basic questions. Who, what, when, and where? Especially who benefits from this? My Aunt with no hesitation asserted that China has soldiers in Canada and Mexico…Yes because America’s two strongest allies, the ones that are tied with us financially, are going to risk their own sovereignty by allowing soldiers of a foreign nation to gather on it’s shores.

I know that I am sort of rambling a bit, and I know that I am really just speaking into the void with this post. I am just so furious right now. Which my cat might sense because he’s demanding attention, or he wants food. I think it’s the latter, for despite feeding him all day, now at 1:46 he is acting as if he has not received any. And now he is joined by the other. Living with cats, can be a handful.

To see your educated guess come to pass, is not something I want. I would rather be wrong. Like I am growing angry and frustrated, and broken, by what I see as a growing lack of common sense. Which is due to people valuing ignorance as a virtue.

Again I live in Trump country, for the most part many of his supporters are proud that they didn’t learn anything. My dad today informed my of a conversation where the man decided to stop reading the news because he disagreed with it. He would rather remain ignorant instead of informed, if the news didn’t fit with his view point, with his narrative.

That is how an easily led sheep thinks.

An easily led sheep, who gets riled up, while the one who did it goes to hide. Hide and gleefully watch it on the television. Proud that he caused chaos. Proud that he caused the death of four of his supporters, and a police officer.

By remaining ignorant, and only listening to those you agree with, you become easily used.

You are a prime target for manipulation.

That, is a fact.

Here are previous posts I have written on the subject. Not many read them, and I even had a cousin disagree with my on what Trump was. Because Trump was a great glorious leader…or a Tyrant.

What the USA should be doing.

The Tyrant’s America

The Mess of History

Dedicated to the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller

King Trump the First

Trump the Tyrant

Paying for the Sins of our fathers

The GOP are cowards

Separation of the poor

What is swept away in History Class

Being a history buff can make you cry

Why are we encouraging violence?

Deal with the Devil

Harsh Truth



Here is the thing, in Federal court, where lying to a Federal Judge has consequences, none of Trump’s cronies, they aren’t deserving of the title Lawyers, never made the claim of fraud. Because there are consequences for making claims without evidence.

Really think about that, the Democrats, Poll Workers, State Governments, Republicans, and the media are all LYING but not Trump…really think about that argument.

Where is this evidence, that was so earth shaking, that Trump’s cronies never showed it in court? They kept talking about it, but never showed it, and never claimed they had it in front of a Judge(s).

But, what is there evidence of? Trump planning to seize power by any means. That is what there is evidence of. There is evidence that Trump supporters stormed the capital, ending with four of them dead, and a police officer beaten to death with a fire extinguisher.

Who benefits by spreading the now baseless claim that it was staged/antifa (and isn’t that great, there are conflicting scapegoats)? Trump supporters whose reputation and argument have been destroyed by their actions.

Who is spreading this new rumor about the event being staged and or antifa? Trump Supporters whose actions destroyed their messages.

That is called deductive reasoning, and using common sense.

You made this mess, and like the children you are, lying about it will only make it worse. It is time to be adults. Like I tell the children I teach, when they say they are just dumb, I have never met a dumb kid. Kid learn, they are growing, and all it takes is practice. Well it’s time you take that to heart, because while I have never met a dumb kid, I have met plenty of dumb adults. But you can be adults with practice, and to be an adult you have to put others before yourself. A group is stronger when people feel listen to and valued. Trump supporters are already turning on themselves. Trump did what I knew he was going to do at the beginning of his Presidency, he split and broke the Republicans/GOP. I never thought it would be this bad, but I knew it was going to happen.

I do not know what will happen in the future, all I have are educated guesses. I have been pretty accurate, not like 80%, but about maybe 75% to 77% correct with my guesses. I would love it however if people started to make my guesses wrong. Like they were under Obama and Bush. I was wrong about 75% to 77% then. But I always assume people will default to their better natures. So thrilled that’s not the case, I enjoy walking up to the world constantly on fire. I am of course being sarcastic. And maybe a little bitter. I might have disagreed with Bush, and questioned his intelligence, but I never really questioned his morals. I even disliked when others did it. There was just so much vitriol when I was going to college when it came to Bush (nothing compared to today, but some of it was not justified), boy were we misinformed about what a true Tyrant looked like.

A true coward who manipulates others to violence, then hides in safety gleefully watching it on television like it was some sort of twisted movie. But it is late, and I will stop writting so I can go to bed. I am just a mess of disgust, rage, and just shame at what happened on Wednesday.

All of them are now cop killing traitors.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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