Ayn Rand’s Stalinism

I am going to say something, that may get me into trouble. So I do not agree with Ayn Rand, but that’s not what will get me into trouble, what will is saying that Ayn Rand’s arguments are pretty much just Stalinism.

Now I have reasons for that, one, a reading of Ayn Rand’s books (which to be fair, I have yet to do, mainly I have the large plethora of discussion around said books to go off of) showcase that only the individual ‘smart’ man can and should have control of the country. That a ‘smart’ man is the only one who can utilize and build society.

That goes against history. Collectively the group has more influence on events than ‘one’ man. The counter to that being all of the ‘men’ who have achieved great things in history, however, history is written by the winners. And two, they would not have had the ability to rise without the right circumstances. The group, society, allowed them to rise to that position. Alexander the Great got to where he was because of Philip. Philip got to where he was because of the soldiers he created. Now it is true he created the tactics, but those tactics build off of the tactics that were being used by the Greek city-states. Societies do not exist in a bubble. Being selfish does not benefit anyone. And this is close, I am trying to find an episode of Nova, I believe it was Nova, but this covers some of it. I wrote on it when I had to write a paper in philosophy about if humans were good or evil. However they did experiments where the chimps had to pull the board by the rope, it required team work, and if the one chimp did not share, the others would not help after that.

So looking more into, it is complex, however I would argue that it does show that cooperation is beneficial to the society, than selfishness.

But to go further, Stalinism gripped the Soviet Union, it put the power into the hands of the ‘smart’ ‘selfish’ man. It was the cult of Stalin. What Ayn Rand is arguing for is a Stalin, that a man like Stalin is what society needs.

It’s what Libertarians want, a Stalin, a man who will put them into power, and who will let them perform selfish actions like Beria. Hell we know that Matt Gaetz likes them young as well. And to cover my behind, it’s alleged, and comparing the two is more hyperbolic than accurate. However I do find it interesting, selfishness would drive some men to find a younger woman, so why not become Beria. After all selfishness is the leading star they live by.

To be honest, that’s why I really dislike Ayn Rand, her philosophy is very anti-American, yet Libertarian’s eat her up because she sings the praise of Capitalism. Again though, it’s just Stalinism, putting the industry before the environment is very Soviet Union. I honestly think it’s time to call what the Libertarians are arguing for, what it is, they want the Soviet Union. They prefer Communism disguised as Capitalism, because it would allow them to preform their selfish actions without fear of reprisal.

For that is what the Ayn Rand ‘hero’ is. A selfish Un-American Stalin.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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