Welcome Back to the Wild West

So remember in Texas, when there was an active shooter, and it made the police’s job harder. Well we will probably see police officers die now, and not on purpose, and not in response. What the ruling in the Rittenhouse case did, was make it so no one will ‘peacefully assemble’ anymore. Both sides will be carrying, and both sides have been given freedom to shoot. Probably not if their black, because if they are black they are guilty, even if the evidence says their innocent, and they weren’t even there. That is also something it showed, the ugliness of America, the Right cannot claim they are no longer racist. Because the justice system is their design. It’s working how they want it to work. At this point the Right should just own it, why keep pretending that you aren’t. It makes me think of a movie quote, “My father used to say: “The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it’s time to go shopping for a saddle.” The State no longer has a monopoly on violence, the citizens now do, welcome to the age of lawlessness. Everyone has the right to bear arms, everyone, and getting a gun is pretty easy. Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre will look like a Sunday social event in comparison to what has been unleashed from the Box (Pandora’s Box). I hope the need for vigilante justice was worth the 32 pieces of silver, for we have killed many Mockingbirds throughout the year (To Kill a Mocking Bird), and our society is now dripping with Sin. Vigilantes, are not cops, they are not peace officer, so no, this isn’t a matter of upholding justice. Police at least answer to the city and elected officials, at least that is how it is supposed to be, vigilantes do not. However, since they have been proven dangerous to citizens, and the Judge in this case has given his blessing on Self Defense, I would suggest snipped rifles. They are not peace officers, they are self appointed, and have proven to be a danger to any demonstration they attend. Sniper rifles are effective and quick. And I am not advocating going out and seeking to kill anyone, but self defense is now the law of the land, it’s the only way to defend the community now. For legal reasons, the last bit is satire, it’s pointing out the really big flaw in what has just been okayed in the United States.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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