Winter is Here

The Winter is here, with the frozen gales, and the desolated landscapes. Bitter ice condensing against the only shelter that we have constructed. The end to the glory days of Summer. Corruption and Greed tainting us all. Control and power laid bare, and only the ugliness remains.

How did we allow the Winter to absorb us? By the erosion of what makes us human. Morality cast aside for the illusion of control. Death of humanity in the name of Morality.

Perhaps then do we deserve the retribution of Winter, which sweeps down upon us like some hungry starved predator? Sadly we do. The Wild Hunt has awaken, and it desires those that pretend to be it’s equal.

However none can match the ferocity of the Wild Hunt, none can match the cruelty of Winter. The Cold comes for us all, and in that Cold we all must be Judged. The Scales of Balance cannot be tipped in the favor of one, without the destruction of the scales. Lady Justice must remain blind, least she see the path to Winter we are on.

The Illusion of Order, and Control, have been smashed, and Anarchy arises. The Wild Hunt has been summoned, and it shall ride forth to claim those that think themselves predators. For only those that truly understand Winter, can claim to be true predators. Those that are from Summer, and wear the Wolves’ clothing, are soft and weak. Easy prey for the Wild Hunt.

So bring on the Bloodshed, bring on the chaos, for we have requested Winter to come. And the Darkness is here, and none are safe anymore. Weep not for the Sheep in Wolves’ clothing, for they have dared mock the Wild Hunt, unleashing it on all. Death has picked up it’s Icy Scythe, to reap the Sinners and the Saints, for all are guilty.

Despair is all we know, for Winter is here.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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