Favorite Comic Book Films

When it comes to films and media, I really don’t have a favorite, favorite. Mainly because I have lists, like the list of my favorite science fiction films. It’s hard to just single out one film or book, out of all that I have seen and read. I might try and make a list of ten films that I would place in that position later, though it would only be at the time that I make the list, and how I am feeling. New films, new books, come out, and would change that list.

Like what I wanted to cover today, new films have come out, and changed what I would consider as my favorite comic book films. I touched on it in this post about The Batman, but I have never officially made a list of my favorite superhero films. Came close in this post, which because I don’t really look back, may be out of date with how I feel now. I did pause to re-read a bit of it, and it always frustrates me seeing spelling mistakes. I actually re-read my posts, about five times, even pausing to re-read what I have just written. To make sure no spelling mistakes, and I am being clear with what I am writing. Despite that, sometimes, the whole thing is littered with spelling mistakes. But that is a bit of a personal frustration of mine.

However, as I wanted to list the superhero films that I consider my favorite, here is that list. I might try, and give it a best to worst feel, though that is with a grain of salt. People change, daily actually, not drastically, but small changes. Which, looking back, some films have dropped down, and some have risen.

I should clarify, because I will go back and forth between Superhero film and comic book film, that I am placing them together. In my mind, they are one and the same, mainly due to them originating in the same media before they were films. A gritty over the top comic about assassins, to me, is the same as one about a superpowered being in spandex.

The Crow
This film, just hits all the right, writer’s spots in my brain. It is quick witted, the tradegy of the whole story is well presented, the action is fantastic. In fact, this is still my Oct 31, Halloween film. Every year, I re-watch it on Halloween.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I grew up with TMNT, it is a staple of my life. This movie, still holds up, and is similar to how I feel about The Batman. It hits all the right beats. It might be a bit nostalgic, but it’s a competent film. I also do miss New Line Cinema, that to was a part of my childhood.

Spiderman Into the Spiderverse
This is, and yes this is my opinion, the best Spiderman film ever made. I don’t know how the sequel will hold up to it, but it is a steep mountain, and from the trailers they are going to push up that mountain. This film is lightning in a bottle, everything in it is so well crafted, and I love it.

Blade: Trinity
I place this above the other Blade films, because of Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds. Both of them are really great in this film, and it makes it fun. I also have a soft spot, more so when I was younger, for Vampire movies.

Black Widow
I love this film, I love all to actors in it, it was just really good. It suffers, because of producers, this film should have been made years ago. Just the tragedy of the family, especially the opening of the film, which was gut wrenching. I understand not everyone may think so. But I did, the children actresses were good at conveying that, and just the dynamic of Scarlet Johansson and Florence Pugh made the film.

Deadpool 2
This is just a fun film, and as above, Ryan Reynolds.

Captain America The Winter Soldier
I have really grown to love this film. It might be due to just the spy-thriller nature of it, or the simple, and I use that term lightly, action parts. The fights, are just at their core, fist fights. And I appreciate that.

I found this on Netflix, didn’t realize that this was a comic book movie, but I loved this. It’s a fun, brutal, larger than life story. Sometimes it’s fun to just enjoy, something so visceral, with a macabre sense of humor.

The Batman
I have a whole post discussing my early thoughts about this film, so, I will just add, I loved this film. It was just so good. And the car chase, it was just a real car chase. It wasn’t over the top, or just a special effects explosion. It had special effects, but it was simple. Again, I am using the term lightly. Simple is not bad, simple is believable.

Wonder Woman
This still is a fantastic film. The scene where Wonder Woman climbs out of the trenches, still fills me with awe. It is one of the best DC films, and it’s still one of the better portrayals of a superhero on screen.

Blade 2
This film, like another on this list, is directed by Guillermo del Toro. He is one of the best directors out there, at least to me. His films are masterpieces, and this one is no exception. I will add, I have not seen all of del Toro’s films, just the ones I have, are really well done, and thought provoking. This is such a well made, deep dive into Blade as a tragic figure, and there is so much there, that the action is just like icing on a very delicious cake.

It is a great western. Honestly, this was a brilliant move, to blend genres. It adds to the tragedy of Logan’s last ‘ride’.

It’s a great underdog story, with superpowers, that are almost useless to the main characters. They aren’t the powerful heroes, the villains are the ones with all the power, and yet it’s about overcoming them through tenacity. It’s a good film.

Same as Deadpool 2.

A Kung Fu vampire film. It’s a fun vampire hunter film, with a very compelling character.

Batman Mask of the Phantasm
This one of the best portrayals of Batman. It’s a gothic romance film. It took the character of the Animated series, and just made something grander. The whole series, and this movie included, took what Tim Burton had done, and turned it into an opera. The humor, the tragedy, all of it with this gothic vibe. I don’t think, though The Batman comes close, that this could be replicated by live action. Animated, it allows the story to be more, than what live action can do. The lighting, the background, the ascetic, all of it enhanced by the animation. Similar, honestly, to Spiderman Into the Spiderverse.

Thor Ragnarok
It’s an 80’s van painting brought to life. It’s over the top, heavy metal glory, just a fun ride.

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army
I love real Fae Stories, and noir, which this film brings together perfectly. Also, the occult, which is also a fun genre. It’s a perfect blending of secret world detective.

Iron Man
This film, is a wonder redemption story, in a way. To see a brash playboy crashed into reality, then rise up to fix the wrongs in the world he participated in. While also retaining that smarmy attitude, because people don’t change overnight. It humanizes the character. And it doesn’t hurt that Robert Downey Jr plays Tony Stark. He is a fun actor to watch, especially when the role is a bit manic. He does pull off an arrogant brilliant lonely person really well.

Iron Man 3
I actually enjoy watching the character of Tony Stark growing from the first film to this one. Watching the character struggle, actually makes him more human, and seeing him rise up, is heartwarming. I can understand why people don’t like this film, but to me, it doesn’t have to be a one for one from the comics. As long as the movie, or different media, is good. The best quality of an adaptation is that it makes people want to search out and invest time in the original. It fails, when it makes people feel the opposite. Which, art is subjective, to me it’s a really good film. To others, this isn’t. I think time also changes how a film or media is interacted with. It’s interesting to see that change.

Thus ends, what are my, favorite comic/superhero films. This list, will change, new things will come out, I will change my opinions on films. It’s just what happens. Currently, think many of the films I have listed, will not change. I would say, The Crow has been on there the longest, and I don’t see it leaving the list. As an example.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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