A Seeming Backlash

When I went to college, I gravitated to philosophy. I understood the idea of questioning, debating, seeking a truth. As hard as that was, to seek the truth, I find value in the effort. Because the opposite would be to not, and to just let those who speak false promises do bad things.

The goal to critically think, to question everything, even oneself. To make sure that what remains, is tested, and as concrete as it can be. To strive against following the herd. To fight against manipulation. Is a noble goal.

It is very easy, and tempting, to just believe without evidence. Like, as an example, that those we elect will fulfill their promises, right the wrongs, bring about change. But we don’t live in that sort of world. We have to question, and keep tabs on those we elect, doubly more so, because they can change lives, destroy lives.

With that context, it starts to hurt when philosophy is mocked or worse, dismissed. Because it is hard, to acknowledge, that perhaps we cannot know everything. That morality, is not a good enough reason, to do something. Or at least that is part of it. I am a determinist. Basically cause and effect. But that stance, is hated, because it might mean that a person does not have control of their life. I can understand that, but when a person argues against it, it does seem like they are not really understanding. Or it comes off that way.

We also live in a world that if you try to clarify your statement, or clarify the terms you are using, you get accused of a lot of things. Usually it boils down to something toxic. Now, there are bad actors, and bad faith arguments. That is part of humanity, and it’s part of entitlement as well.

If a person, due to circumstances breaks the law, that does not make him guiltless. There is still a choice being made, there are still multiple paths that can be taken. Blaming circumstances for a choice, is still an excuse. Determinism is not lack of choice. It is, choice does not happen in a vacuum. That free will is a misunderstanding of what is happening due to our limited view point of events.

Philosophy is not just European or Asian in origin. In fact, from some articles that I have read, the history of Philosophy is changing. A new age, of examining the past, is upon us. And as a history buff, and Philosopher, I am excited. However, it could go further, philosophy is the root discipline of understanding our world, and it’s just asking ‘how do things work’. That is a human universal trait. So philosophy is a global, humanistic, quality. It doesn’t belong to any tribe.

Philosophy is not a lack of empathy. I would argue, that to question anything, especially tribal based traditions, takes empathy. A person has to look at the world, see something that does not add up, and point it out. And that is never popular. And sometimes dangerous for the philosopher.

As an example, that historically, outlawing abortion does not stop it. A lay-man’s study of the subject proves that. We have years of research into this topic, however it is a very emotional subject. So the questions start to arise; why enforce it when it does the opposite? Who benefits from leading the charge? Do those crying out against it even believe what they are saying? What is the truth of this?

However, my stance on the subject is just one of many, and the debate has continued. That is not a bad thing, but bad actors, and fallacies always appear. However, those questions need answers.

That is what a philosopher does, and no one is happy when the answers appear to be, negative for those they support or the ideas they support. Especially if it goes against their tribe’s views, or ‘morals’. Because ‘morals’, feelings, are more important than the truth, are they not? And that is why questions are so important, because it is easy to justify, genocide for ‘moral’ reasons.

What is a good person?

Is it someone who agree blindly? Or someone who questions or disagrees?

I know how I would answer that question. It is the the latter, yes-men is a term for a reason. Not everyone wishes to debate however, and to really debate well, a person needs to be calm and rational. They have to turn off their emotions, and examine the evidence to make an informed decision. That to is not an easy feat. We evolved to feel, to bond, to form tribes to protect ourselves. We are at a stage however, were we need to make calm rational decisions. Because we are not tribes anymore. We should not decry philosophy or hate philosophers. Because they are the ones telling us that the emperor is not wearing any cloths. Not every philosopher is going to argue in good faith. We as a whole just have to figure out who is, and try to build from there. Not always a fun or easy task, but nothing worth anything is gained through taking the easy way. Life is hard work. We are not tribes, we are a global community, where one small decision could have disastrous consequences.

We cannot afford to hate or disregard critical thinking. Not if we want the human race to continue. We cannot afford blind belief anymore. We continue to find new ways to quickly kill large group of individuals, and the only thing keeping those whose fingers are on the button honest, is to question them. Yes, it is hard to deal with philosophers sometimes, we can be to in love with our own intelligence. Seeking out answers, seeking out truth, can blind a person. Too smart for their own good.

Because, eventually, they won’t. It is just as hard for philosophers as for those bottling themselves against ideas they dislike. To have toxicity slung at them, for questioning a narrative, can break a person down. Why keep trying to seek the truth, when no one wants it?

And if no one is questioning, then lies grow, and that benefits no one.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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