
Emptiness saps my heart as I sit here raw
Leaves fall gently from the sky onto the fallow earth
Bitter cold is the continuation of the years
The glorious sun of youth fleeting and hollow replaced by Death

No longer a child I feel nothing as I become an adult
An outsider I watch the years growing older
Those that taught me on my journey now leave me behind

And I feel the years grip me as I sit here
And so I say goodbye

Forever must I face my pain alone
The eyes of a child ripped from me
Now weary I cast my eyes around

What was once large and imposing is nothing now
A tiny speck remains of faded memories
And yet again I am forced to say goodbye

Selfish I feel for no time I had to grieve
An adult I am and I must figure it out alone
For I am now alone

And I must say goodbye

(Something that I have started to believe as I have grown older, is that when we die we reincarnate. Souls are energy, tiny little suns within us, and energy cannot be destroyed. Only transformed or transferred. It is one of the reasons I became a Theravada Buddhist. Though that its self is short hand for what I really am. I am an amalgamation of believes and ideas. I just resonate stronger with Buddhism. On our journey through this experience we meet so many teachers, and then we have to say goodbye. It’s just, we are a dancing flame on a candle, and that soon is blown out.)

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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