Endless Turmoil

Heroes they called us, sent into the abyss, vanguards against the plague Their gold did amass, their halls filled and vast, claiming we couldn’t be saved Our minds did they squander, our bodies are broken, sent to fend for ourselvesThe wealth they did hoard, while selfish and bore, our souls we are forced to farewellContinue reading “Endless Turmoil”

Concerning Hobbits

I tend to discuss what I dislike about the movie adaptations of the Lord of the Rings Films. From how the orcs are handled, to Faramir, they did my boy dirty. To my Faramir is mankind’s redemption, compared to mankind’s failure with Boromir. That is due to Gandalf being an Istari, and Aragorn being somewhatContinue reading “Concerning Hobbits”

Thoughts on Modern LotR

Here is the thing, I have not watched LotR Rings of Power. I don’t really have time, and I am not really interested. The moment that I found out that they really don’t have the rights to The Silmarilion, I didn’t want to watch it. That is because it’s not going to have that sparkContinue reading “Thoughts on Modern LotR”

Early Route Regional Birds

I want to discuss something that still remains within the realm of Pokémon fans, early regional birds. This article covers what I am bringing up, because the terms discussed in the article, are not canon. They are what fans have named patterns that Game Freak has when it comes to the games. The Pokémon thatContinue reading “Early Route Regional Birds”

Favorite Pokémon Generation 9

Using this website, I have reached the end of the current generation of Pokémon, generation 9, the current Pokémon games. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. I will say this, beside some graphic hiccups I have really enjoyed these games. Because they are fun to play, and they have the best story and characters to date, IContinue reading “Favorite Pokémon Generation 9”

Pokémon Month

I don’t know why, probably because I have been using Pokémon Scarlet as a de-stresser, I feel like discussing Pokémon this month. And, my roommate and I were discussing this, organizing our favorite starters by type. So, favorite water types in order from favorite to least favorite. It’s sort of fun to organize Pokémon inContinue reading “Pokémon Month”

Favorite Pokémon Generation 8

Generation 8 Pokémon, according to the website I am using, is Sword and Shield, and Legends Arceus. Which is good, because many of the Pokémon listed below, I used in generation 9. It also includes Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, which, was such a let down actually. I was so looking forwards to that remake,Continue reading “Favorite Pokémon Generation 8”

Favorite Pokémon Generation 7

Now we’re coming to the generations that I sort of flipped away from. I still played the games, but I only got Pokémon Moon, none of the other games of Generation 7. Just in case this is the first post, this is the website I am using to choose my favorite generational Pokémon, and becauseContinue reading “Favorite Pokémon Generation 7”