Statistic Dilemma

I have been thinking about this for a while, well ever since I started writing online. So, this blog does have statistics, so I know what does well, and what doesn’t do well. When I make comments on what is happening, politics, history, etc, they do extremely well. Film commentary is hit or miss, andContinue reading “Statistic Dilemma”

DC Month April Future

The final post of, well let’s call it a holiday special, is my favorite television show from my childhood, and one of the runner up. This is after pondering this for a long time, but Batman Beyond was something, at least to me, special. From the opening credits, highlighting the tech-noir feel of the show,Continue reading “DC Month April Future”

DC Month April Magic

Coming to the end of the month, and I am now coming toward the end of my favorite DC characters. Doctor Fate and Zattana. Sometimes they are linked together, sometimes they are not. Kent Nelson is the main partner of Nabu, but there are others, since Doctor Fate is really more the helmet. Honestly, everContinue reading “DC Month April Magic”

DC Month April Boys in Blue

This month I have been discussing which DC heroes are my favorite, and why I love them. I realized that I really haven’t discussed the character’s backstories, or at least I haven’t gone into their stories, not in any significant depth. One I want to avoid giving to much away, I think the joy ofContinue reading “DC Month April Boys in Blue”

Fractured States Part Eight

The previous instalments are located here. Chicago City Fires raged across the city as biplanes darted through the skies like angry wasps. The sound of machine gun fire filled the skies as civilians ran seeking shelter. One of the biplanes covered in the colors of the Confederate States pulled out a drop bomb, primed it,Continue reading “Fractured States Part Eight”

DC Month April Young Justice

The next round of DC heroes that I consider my favorite are all tied to the show Young Justice, which I have stated is a wonderful show. It took itself serious, even though I am sure many would not have said anything if they had just created a simple show for kids, and the storiesContinue reading “DC Month April Young Justice”