Statistic Dilemma

I have been thinking about this for a while, well ever since I started writing online. So, this blog does have statistics, so I know what does well, and what doesn’t do well. When I make comments on what is happening, politics, history, etc, they do extremely well. Film commentary is hit or miss, and that includes other media topics. My short stories and poems are a hit or miss as well.

This blog currently has no focus, and I want to keep it that way, but it can be disheartening, because I care more about my short stories than my political commentary. Really this blog post is to make sure that I keep my writing sharp, because there is truth in trying to write every day. Now, Halloween, my short stories do better, and I am so pleased that this year, so far, Endless Turmoil is my most popular post. It was a poem that sprung from the pain of dealing with the United States’ medical system. Something, that if the elites are not careful, will lead to violence. And, to be clear, that is not a threat, but an observation using historical context. Take away people’s ability to live comfortably, put them into debt, and hoard the wealth…well that is a recipe of an uprising. I don’t want that to happen, no one wants the Reign of Terror, but that requires those with power to be smart. I am not seeing that sadly.

The thing is, I could chase readers, try to make this more popular. I don’t know if that would make me happy. While I like structure, it is not where I thrive, though I can. I don’t mind working hard and being focused, but it depends on what I am doing. If I am sitting and writing a script, I have been known to hyper-focus, using my ADHD as it were as a superpower. But when I am not working on something, I like it to be more loosey-goosey. Though I am realistic enough to know, that if money were involved, I would be writing political commentary all the time. Despite what it would do to me, there is only so much “news” a person can take. At least I think that. So, it comes down to, I am not doing this to make money, and I would rather do this for fun. To talk about things that make me happy, or interest me, and occasionally post a poem or short story.

And to be truthful, I really made this post so that at the end of April I would have posted 16 times. A feat that I have not always had success in. The only time was February 2019, and the second closest was when I uploaded from my previous blog starting this one April 2016, which has 15 posts. Surprisingly, sometimes, I don’t have things to say, which can be seen by my posts. Then all of a sudden I have a lot to say.

I even recorded my experiences during covid at a teachers’ suggestion. And I still haven’t reread them. I know though that it shows the stages of grief. By the end I was on autopilot. But, I was working at 4 different school districts. It, was bad, and I am so happy that things have for the most part have gone back to normal. But, yes, this is the last post of April.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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