The Joy of Breaks

Every creator talks about it, but it can be draining to always chase views. I decided to take a break from posting after April. I teach as well, I am a full-time substitute now, and we are getting close to the end of the year, so that is taking a lot of my time.

However, if I don’t post, then the views, disappear. Despite how many previous posts that I have made before hand. I have been posting since 2016, and actually beforehand, I actually lost my previous blog. That is why my address is matthewwilliamlindquistcom, that is a little artifact from that. In fact some of the earliest posts on this blog are rescued from that. The ones that I thought were the best.

Fractured Morality Tales, Sensitive Subject, Lie of the Other, Depression Shaming, Legend of Korra, The Fear of Conservatism, and Trust.

All of them are from the older blog that no longer exists, they were written around 2015 or 2014, I cannot remember the exact date. Based on me discussing how season one and two Korra can fit together, it was probably sometime after those two were done. Probably, actually, when the series was done. So, it finished around December 2014, so honestly I probably talked about it around 2015.

The internet is changing, blogs are different than videos, but it can be disheartening when you look at the numbers and no one has read any of the posts. And that’s because, and every creator knows this, it’s because you haven’t posted at all. But taking a break is necessary. Writing, especially 16 posts, that’s a lot, that’s half a month of writing. Yes, that’s practice, that’s keeping my writing sharp, but burn out is a thing. Especially since I am also teaching, and we are now in the home stretch. Kids do act different when long breaks are in sight. They are experiencing multiple emotions, and they are not the best at handling. To be fair, neither are adults.

Despite it all, I am going to keep taking my break. I will post here and there. I plan to write a poem about something really important to me. It deals with the last thing my Grandma wrote to me, while she was dying in the hospital, “I want to go to Heaven n0w,” and enough time has passed for me to talk about it.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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