Quick Thought on Movie Theaters

Alright, there is a lot of talk about why films are failing, but a lot of it is dancing around the one thing already being talked about else where. It’s to expensive to go to films. I live in the middle of nowhere, sort of, it’s changed as I have grown up, but to go to the theater (that I worked at by the way) it would be $25 to $30 dollars. That’s to much, especially when I have other expenses to address.

Like my roommate and I got Doordash from a fast food place, and we got two meals and two medium ice-cream mixers which came to near $60 dollars. Now, Doordash, is going to cost more, but seriously, my meal was $20 alone. It’s getting to expensive to live. Inflation is getting bad. Like, it has to change, or things are going to get bad. It’s just what has to happen.

And now the upper elite are going to start to suffer? Oh stop the presses, why are films not working anymore? Oh no, fast food places like McDonalds are suffering, what kind of world are we living in… I am sort of sarcastic about this, because I study history, and this has precedence. Like I have been lower middle class, and as such have been at the mercy of, especially one political party, but it’s been the whole system, for a long time. When I watched $5 dollars buy a meal, then $5 dollars become something I could just throw on the ground because it wouldn’t buy anything, I have become jaded.

Currently…and this article may eventually not work, but the 1% is hoarding a lot of the wealth and the gap is widening.

So, much like the house of cards are economy is, when the bottom can’t purchase anything, it will topple over. That is inevitable if the wealth is hoarded at the top. Trickle up economics, the greatest con that Reagan ever played on the American people. Here is the thing, it’s a con, because his economics only worked under him, and that is because the economy is partially faith, faith that the system works. Because under Bush Senior, it didn’t. George Bush had the same economic plan as Reagan and it hurt the United States.

Currently we are all working, and none of us can afford anything. That is a recipe for disaster. Historically, when our economy worked, was when we followed World War 2. Those economic plans were made by traditional Democrats, like FDR, which bled into the 50’s. When there were no Billionaires, and very few Millionaires. When our economy was built on a strong middle and lower social cast with purchasing power. But, who needs that, apparently not businesses and owners of companies. They would rather just have supplies and now no demand.

Like simple economics, supply and demand, whelp with no money in people’s pockets, there is no demand. And yet, we are seeing businesses hike up the price of supply, interesting huh. It’s like they are panicking and trying to keep the house of cards from toppling over, without truly admitting what is broken.

Why are films failing… Just, seriously, it’s becoming noise now.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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