Quick Political Thoughts

Here is the thing, I have commented on this before, many times. I am not going to tag any of them because I would have to find a lot of posts. I just want to make a quick one post.

However, Culture changes, that is what it does.

We see, by the market, that extreme right ideology does not sell. Truth Social, and X, now that it’s a conservative porn sight, hemorrhages money. Because human nature, as combative as we can be, is to avoid conflict. And it’s hard to deal with someone yelling about how it’s their “God given right to R-word a woman, and force her to give birth to a r-word baby.” Dig deep enough and that is all over the conservative’s posts.

Whether that is what they want, when they focus on reproductive rights, those are the people they are aligning with as well. So the right has a problem of trying to sell their ideology, which spawns very aggressive, violent, people. And to be fair, it’s usually men.

Now there is a middle, and I am side tracking with this, but their is toxic masculinity and masculinity. Culture should not be the defining definition of what is masculine. It is however, okay, for culture to help shape it. It’s okay to say watch Duck Tales 2017, which is a fantastic show, with your boys, and have them gravitate to Donald Duck as a role model. Or Goof Troop and Goofy from the 90’s. Goofy is a good father. Which, is hilarious when you know that there was a rise in divorce in the 90’s and re-evaluate all the shows you grew up with. There are a lot of single parents. That is just my aside.

Going back to what I was originally thinking about, we are seeing more and more politicians, who should know better, declaring there will be retribution for a jury of peers convicting Trump. They dancing around the threat of violence. And I am baffled that anyone would still support them.

Was this politically motivated? Maybe, that is not out of the realm of possibility. But, that is irrelevant, he still committed a crime. He still committed adultery. Time after time he showcases that he has no moral fiber in his being. And the money he is now raising for his re-election, where do you think its going to go to? That is all I will ask, because that is speculation, and if I write my thoughts, that could get me in trouble.

On one hand, the left is asking me to respect others, to treat others with kindness, to build a better tomorrow for everyone. That is core of the current philosophy. And while I may not always agree with the methods, I can understand and agree with the message. I may not always understand all of the science, and we are still learning, but there is backing for transgender individuals. So, I have to relearn how to be polite, not something that I view as an issue.

Then on the other side I have martyrs complaining about Christmas, and how they can’t be rude to people anymore. That certain groups of people don’t deserve rights at the best, or deserve to be dead at the worst. That authoritarianism is what the Founding Fathers intended. That they wanted to force everyone to follow “Their” Christianity.

Forgetting history, and that many of the Founding Fathers are closer to the religious wars in Europe. That they were heavily inspired by the enlightened period, when free people started to move away from monarchies. So, I am just saying, it can be a bit frustrating when you know history. And not just American history.

I think, that it’s time to step back, and really evaluate what you support.

Do you really want to support people who cry about not being able to have sex with a cartoon mascot, the green M&M? Like it are not, those are the people who have distilled the right’s argument. So, the conservative argument becomes, “Let us have sex with the green M&M whenever we want, whether she wants it or not.” That is crass, I am aware, but that is the slogan of many who I would label as traitors. Due to their love of Putin and dictators.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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