Adding to Yesterday’s thoughts

I made a quick post yesterday, basically commenting a bit off-hand that culture changes, and that it’s getting a bit tiring to deal with the constant bombardment of ‘woke this, and woke that’. Especially since it’s been done before, multiple times, over and over through out history, and it’s all tied into fear.

Just wanted to add to that post.

So, honestly additional thoughts, and this is a continuation as well. Religion, more specifically Christianity, has damaged itself. There is a reason the general population, more so in the USA, is leaving it. It’s because of Christians, and their constant complaining and their constant in your face Authoritarianism. To the point that their own fears become manifest because they created that situation. Faith, and practicing one’s faith, is never been the issue. Forcing it onto others, and arguing that our Founding Fathers were authoritarian theocrats has. We live in a society of multiculturism, we are a melting pot, we are not a Christian nation. We never have been. Yes, there are areas that at one point were more Christian and that was the dominant faith of many, but it’s not anymore. It’s time to deal with that. And instead of highlighting why people should adopt the faith or what it could bring to their lives, Christians (and not Christians, there is a difference) have made it a “Us Vs. Them” sort of fight. It didn’t need to be a fight, but it became one, and those in the middle became disgusted and walked away. And bad behavior convinces others to leave.

Another thing I wanted to comment on, is that I am glad that John Stewart is back. Love or hate him, you cannot argue that he does not have integrity. He literally fought for veteran’s right. He walks the walk that he talks. Just saying, we don’t always get that from media personalities. And I agree with him, it’s time for the reporters to actually call out politicians for their blatant lies. If they say something untrue, everyone wants them to do it to, call them out. What is this letting them blatantly lie BS that we do. Hold their feet to the fire and force them to prove what they are saying. Pictures or it didn’t happen. Like, it shouldn’t take the courts to hold politicians accountable. I would like the News to be the News, not wild speculations. The News has become Yellow Journalism again, and we aren’t fixing it. It’s just becoming worse. To be fair, the American people deserve better.

And of course, I could point out Fox, it’s an easy target. None of them are journalists at this point. They aren’t a news organization anymore. They are just talking heads that spot the conservative talking points, unless they go to far and land Fox in another lawsuit. They’re learning how to dance around that line. Because, in the court, you have to have proof for what you say. Otherwise it’s hearsay or slander.

But the left, and the left is not some monolithic boogieman that the right media makes it out to be. Just like the right isn’t some monolithic monster that the left likes to pretend it is. It to slips into yellow journalism, it to speculates endlessly about pointless stuff. How-a-bout we just report on the news. That would be nice. It would be interesting.

Now the other thing, the right really, really needs to come down from that high horse they’re up on right now. Or do they think we forgot how they’ve been politicizing the justice system for political benefit ever since the beginning of politics. If someone commits a crime, political rivals are going to hammer that home hard, sucks doesn’t it. But, least we forget the political impeachment of Bill Clinton. Or “Lock Her Up”, which again, in court, you have to have PROOF. Hard to do, can’t just lock Hillary up with no proof, that would be mis-using the justice system. Also, everything the Republicans have been doing with their special hearings since they retook the House, that’s been politically motivated.

They are like a classmate of mine in 6th grade, who would bully the other kids, and then when they would retaliate, he would go and tell on them to the teacher. You know that teacher told him. “If you can’t take it, don’t dish it.”

Trump can’t take it, so maybe, he shouldn’t have been dishing it out.

Again, sucks when the shoe is on the other foot. It would be nice if we could have different candidates, it would be nice it the right had a shred of backbone and kicked his loosing carcass to the corner. It would be nice if the Democrats had found someone new, someone younger and with more passion to showcase the difference between the two parties. But I can wish in one hand and…if you know, you know, watch Grumpy Old Men.

Published by coopnoodledorf

I am an independent writer slash filmmaker.

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