Let’s talk about Bigfoot

I wanted to talk about something that is divisive lets say, the existence of Bigfoot. But before that, a lot of what I think is tied to the interbreeding of the hominid species, that includes us, and how long other hominid species lasted during the rise of homo sapiens. We are alone, and that isContinue reading “Let’s talk about Bigfoot”

Democracies Endure

Alright, so, I talk about how weak monarchies and dictatorships are, and I feel like I should elaborate. Why I think that, is because they don’t adapt, they stay the same. The same greed, the same pride, they are stuck in the same way of thinking. We see that in Russia, as it starts toContinue reading “Democracies Endure”

My History with Video Games

Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of games, or a large game collection. My mom worked at the state hospital and my dad was a farmer. So, a lot our money didn’t go to frivolous things. It was also during the height of the video games cause violence scare. Those are some of myContinue reading “My History with Video Games”

The Thin Line

I am an American, so I grew up with the romanticized view of a freedom fighter. The lone gunman fighting against the corrupt government or bank, you know, it’s all over our westerns. Mainly because we were founded by guerilla fighters, soldiers fighting against a larger army, and to be honest there is some romanceContinue reading “The Thin Line”

Pokémon Frustrations

Pretty much towards the end of school, I was, and still am, playing Pokémon Violet to pass the time. Destress after the day. Just to relax. And one thing that I really like to do is shiny hunt. Now, I have feelings on shinnies, if they are just a slightly different color, that is veryContinue reading “Pokémon Frustrations”