Word Cascade

Welcome, greetings, enjoy…

As a writer, author, that is what I am hoping, I want people to enjoy what I write.

Where are you bound sir?
I asked the dressed blur,
I am bound nowhere monsieur,
It answered with a slur,
Strange that a dressed blur,
Would also be a whisperer?

Winter has come upon the earth
Huddled around our self built hearth
The wind she howls outside the door
But that is what the fire is for

Tip tap, whose the bat

Short Stories

A Brief Day in the Void

Fractured States part 1

Fractured States part 2

Fractured States part 3

Fractured States part 4

Fractured States part 5

Fractured States part 6

Fractured States part 7

Fractured States part 8

Homunculus: Angelic Requiem

Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 2

Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 3

Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 4

Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 5

Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 6

The Coffee Chronicles: The Midnight Fish and Chips

The Coffee Chronicles: The Midnight Fish and Chips 2

The Coffee Chronicles: The Midnight Fish and Chips 3

The Coffee Chronicles: The Midnight Fish and Chips 4

The Coffee Chronicles: The Midnight Fish and Chips 5

The Coffee Chronicles: The Headless Corpseman part 1

The Coffee Chronicles: The Headless Corpseman part 2

The Coffee Chronicles: The Headless Corpseman part 3

The Coffee Chronicles: Night of the Bad Dog part 1

The Coffee Chronicles: Night of the Bad Dog part 2

The Coffee Chronicles: Night of the Bad Dog part 3

The Coffee Chronicles: Night of the Bad Dog, part 4

Shíjiān de liúshì

Homuculus: Children of Mankind

Homuculus: Children of Mankind 2

Homuculus: Children of Mankind 3

Homuculus: Children of Mankind 4

Godwar part 1, The Primordial

Godwar part 2, The Serpent

The Primal

The Magesligner

The Soldier, The Assassin, and The Outlaw

Fractured Morality Tales

Psychic Detective Tale One

Psychic Detective Tale Two

Psychic Detective Tale Three

Psychic Detective Tale Four

Psychic Detective Tale Five

The Silence of Winter

The Last Conversation

Thoughts of a Goblin

Nothing but a Ghost Ship

Di Immortales Inmortuae

Comforting Twilight

A case of Clinical Lycanthropy

Cosmic Conversation

The Eye of Purgatory

Modern Witch-hunters

Knight Short Story One

The Inevitability

The Last Traveler

Quietly into the Dark

Mors Rubrum

The Deer

The Mask of Reality


The Living Room Sofa

Wish for Spring

Winter is Here

An older poem

Poem of loss

Tis a touch of Madness

Poem for 2018

Poem about Ethics

The Inky Black Abyss

You Are Gone, And I Cannot Follow

To Catch The Sun!

Ode to the Cat

The Passing of Nothing

Finding A Second Wind

Anticipatory Grief

I Am Unraveled

Fall Season Joy

Endless Turmoil

Tears in the Rain

Wild Goats

Rain Storms

October Post 2017