DC Month April Future

The final post of, well let’s call it a holiday special, is my favorite television show from my childhood, and one of the runner up. This is after pondering this for a long time, but Batman Beyond was something, at least to me, special. From the opening credits, highlighting the tech-noir feel of the show, plus it slaps. The other show, and character, is Virgil Hawkins, or Static. Both, of course part of the DC Animated Universe. However, Static, in other media has also been pretty good as well. Young Justice, and yes that came up a lot this month, but it was very good, and I liked what they did with his character.

Staying on Static for a bit longer, there is something pretty cool with a superhero, with a strong wholesome family, who surfs on a metal disc through the air. That is one thing that I think DC does better than marvel, the teenager are a bit more together. Their parental figures are strong elements in their stories. From Virgil, to Jamie Reyes, and even Terry McGinnis in Batman Beyond. I think I prefer that, like good parental figures, and even the Dark Knight, I love the Batfamily. The idea that adding that element to Batman makes it less dark, to me, is lazy writing. All of the Batfamilies stories are traumatic, and the idea of found family helping heal that makes for good drama.

Honestly as cool as Future Gotham is in Batman Beyond is, and the villains are fantastic, the best part of show is the dynamic between Bruce Wayne and Terry. The story of a trouble maker loosing a parent, only to find a father figure, and a very good one at that, elevates the story. It gives the story that core that makes us relate with them. Which, going back to Static, his mother was killed in a drive by (or something related to gang activity) and his relationship with his father and sister form the core of that show.

Some of the best highlights of Batman Beyond, besides the entire show are “Black Out”, “Meltdown”, “The Last Resort”, “Out of the Past”, and of course the film, Batman Beyond Return of the Joker. In fact if the film is the only thing that a person watches, and a person could without having seen the show, it would be worth their time. I would rank it up there with any other Batman movie. It has drama in spades, and the twist of the story, is dark. Like not high school edgy, but Shakespearean.

For Static, the show from the 90’s did such a good job. You can tell that the creators really cared about the project and put their all into it. So to get a good feel for Static, I would recommend the following episodes; “Junior”, “Tantrum”, “The Big Leagues”, and “Blast from the Past”. I would say, another example from Young Justice is the episode, “Runaways”. It is also a good Jamie Reyes episode.

Just for fun, there is a Justice League episode, where they travel through time, but it’s a better Bruce Wayne/Batman episode. However, it takes place in the Batman Beyond future Gotham, and it’s wonderful listening to Kevin Conroy act with himself. “The Once and Future Thing Part Two: Time, Warped”.

DC Month April Magic

Coming to the end of the month, and I am now coming toward the end of my favorite DC characters. Doctor Fate and Zattana. Sometimes they are linked together, sometimes they are not. Kent Nelson is the main partner of Nabu, but there are others, since Doctor Fate is really more the helmet. Honestly, ever since I was young, I have gravitated toward wizards. So, I love the magic part of the DC universe. Especially the Lords of Chaos and Order. The idea of two cosmic entities struggling against each other.

It didn’t hurt that in the Justice League cartoon, the actor of Doctor Fate was Oded Fehr. Which, ever since The Mummy, I have loved his performances. Even the shows that are not the best. He’s usually the best part of anything that he’s in. Though the Mummy had a wonderful cast, which made the whole movie so much better. It is why The Terror Beyond, is one of my favorite episode from Justice League. It ties my love of magic and my love of H.P Lovecraft. The episode utilizes Cthulhu. Cosmic horror being my preferred horror.

Then you have a magician who plays up the whole stage magician act. There is a wonderful absurdity to it, a real wizard, making a living as a stage magician. Whenever the DC universe delves into the occult with these characters the stories become larger. It allows them to explore all those interesting theories and mythologies that have arisen out of our past. Like Atlantis and Lemuria, which are more fictional than historical. Or Egypt and Sumer, which are more historical than fictional. There are so many blank periods in our understanding of history, that we due tend to invent some outrageous stories to fill them, and the magic users of DC delve into those stories.

It is why binding the two together, Zattana and Doctor Fate together works, like they did in Young Justice. Giovanni Zatara in the show, being the father of Zattana, becoming Doctor Fate. That kind of trauma was heartbreaking, and made the show that much better. The death of a character, when done right, really can be a gut punch. But the story in Young Justice, starting with the episode “Denial”, and ending with “Misplaced”. In fact, Misplaced in many ways is a continuation, and upgrade to “Kid Stuff” a Justice League episode that deals with magic users. It would be traumatic if all the adults disappeared at once.

That brings up one of the greatest villains of the DC, Vandal Savage. An immortal cro-magnon, pretty much count Dracula in many ways. Minus the blood-drinking, but the cut-throat tactician, and the might make right personality. Having a villain whose older, wiser, and serious makes them more dangerous. It makes it more interesting when the villain is dangerous. The best outing of Vandal Savage, besides Young Justice, is the animated movie, Justice League: Doom. Though the episode where Superman is thrown far, far into the future, also has a great representation of him as well. That episode being, “Hereafter”, part II.

To sum up, all of these characters deal with the occult and magic. And it makes the stories with them fun pulp. They are always going to deal with cosmic entities, and the horror that comes with that. The best stories with the characters dwell down that well, embracing the macabre and absurdity. Magic and cosmic forces are out there, and a good writer will just roll with it. And the examples listed above are what made me love the characters.

The Books of Honor

This year, and I am pretty sure I brought it up in an earlier post, but if not, I started an after school book club. We started to read the Lord of the Rings, and because I have it, I started to listen to the BBC production of said story. It was wonderful, I have a half-hour drive to work. It is a wonderful way to maximize the enjoyment of said drive. Due to that I started to pick up audio books. Yes, CDs are slowly disappearing, but just that little bit of enjoyment makes it that much easier to face the day.

Two of which, that I have recently listen to, and still listening to, are Honor of the Queen and Flag in Exile. Now I have read both, and in both cases re-read multiple times. I bring attention to that, because in the series they are books 2 and 5. Sort of a jump of the story there. A lot happens to the main character between the two actually.

Now I don’t want to spoil to much, but listening to the story this way, it does change the way the story feels. Both of the stories take place out of the main star nation, but one that is allied to it. The main character, Honor Harrington, is from the Star Kingdom of Manticore, but from events in book 2 she is also now part of the Protectorate of Grayson. Honestly it is fascinating how smoothly the two stories flow into each other. And I do think that is because both stories take place on Grayson. Flag in Exile is very much a direct sequel to Honor of the Queen despite two books between them.

For a bit more background, not to interrupt my own thoughts, but this is a space navy series. The Napoleonic wars-in-space sort of story. Manticore is very much Great Britain during the golden age of sail. Honor Harrington is very much Admiral Nelson. This is a series with a lot of potential for adaptation, TV, not film. And I only argue that due to how long and massive the story is. Just think if they had tried to smash Game of Thrones into 2 hrs.

However, back to my main thoughts. Listening them the two books the way I am, it also makes the supporting characters stand out more, Alfredo Yu and Mercedes Brigham become larger. Their stories become center stage when reading the two books back to back. As far as my memory can recall, they aren’t in books 3 and 4, so by the time a reader gets back to them a lot of events have happened overshadowing them in a way. But both are important characters, both in the two (2 and 5), and the later series. Point of fact, neither were really my favorite characters. However, as I continue, I become more invested. Though, I will admit that David Weber is very good at making compelling characters. I have a long list of favorite characters from the books, because as a writer he really does bring each and everyone of them to life. Javier Giscard being one of my favorite, and he is technically a bad guy. Though, much like real-life, it’s more complicated than that.

Now, I didn’t want to spoil, but there is a reason I have purchased Flag in Exile, and The Shadow of Saganami as well. I know I haven’t brought that book up yet, but both of these books of the series are my favorite. I have already read the series, and have reread the series. This is just a nostalgic trip for me, but especially Flag in Exile. It has one of the best sword fights in media. In fact, it is very similar to one of my favorite lightsaber fights. I am a sucker for a good sword fight. Then Shadow of Saganami introduces another character from Grayson, so it too ties back to Honor of the Queen. Abigail Hearns, is the character. It will be interesting when I get to that book as well. Listening to them out order has added a layer to my enjoyment.

DC Month April Boys in Blue

This month I have been discussing which DC heroes are my favorite, and why I love them. I realized that I really haven’t discussed the character’s backstories, or at least I haven’t gone into their stories, not in any significant depth. One I want to avoid giving to much away, I think the joy of discovering new stories and characters is added to by a person doing it themselves. Two, I want to avoid to many spoilers, we live in a world where that is harder to do. But for Booster Gold, I think I might have to delve a bit deeper into who he is.

Booster Gold is a time traveling, fortune seeking, omnipotent Time Lord. And not a literal Time Lord, but close enough. Like he was the son of a degenerate father who gambled in the 25th-century Gotham City. Grabbed equipment from a museum to travel into the past to become a hero for money. That is the younger Booster Gold, but the Older Booster Gold is a time traveler that is manipulating the DC timestream, destroying the multi-verse. His son is, Rip Hunter, is one of the most important time travelers. The level of insanity that this character’s story has reached is just fantastic.

To be fair, plot hole within fantasy stories can be chalked up to, “A wizard did it.” Well in the DC universe, the writers could literally get away with saying “Booster Gold (Or Rip Hunter) did it.” Rip Hunter plucked Booster Gold’s sister from the time line, when she was supposed to die, changing her fate. Just imaging the stories that could be told with this character is phenomenal. And of course in comics, they teamed him up with Ted Kord, aka, the Second Blue Beetle. The layers of shenanigans these two alone pulled off in the comics was just wonderful.

However, moving to the other superhero, the Third Blue Beetle is actually the one that is my favorite. Again, based on all the other heroes I have discussed this month, and the shows that I used to highlight them, it’s 100% because of season 2 of Young Justice and the Reach plot. It’s an alien invasion story, in the vein of Animorphs, like for kids. There was a bit of nostalgia in that, because I loved the Animorph books when I was a kid.

For a good showing of Booster Gold…the only one I would recommend is from the JLA Unlimited, “The Greatest Story Never Told“. And I wish there was more. The level of shenanigans that Booster Gold, plus his supporting characters, and Ted Kord would be amazing.

For Jaime Reyes, season 2 of Young Justice, like just all of it. It really does focus on him, and it’s just near perfect story telling. Then there is also the Blue Beetle film, which I went to as a double feature with the new TMNT movie. Honestly, that was a great night, but I loved the Blue Beetle film. It was a really good film.

Fractured States Part Eight

The previous instalments are located here.

Chicago City

Fires raged across the city as biplanes darted through the skies like angry wasps. The sound of machine gun fire filled the skies as civilians ran seeking shelter. One of the biplanes covered in the colors of the Confederate States pulled out a drop bomb, primed it, and let it fall towards the semi-helpless buildings of lower Chicago. However, as he pulled the stick of his plane back, his plane erupted into shreds from anti-air shrapnel guns. He didn’t even have time to escape, his body shredded by shrapnel, sending his plane roaring downwards.

However, even as his plane spiraled earthwards, his bomb did as well, and it’s whistling decedent came to an abrupt explosive end. The building it landed on shuddered, glass shattering to cover the screaming people below. People who just a few hours ago had been going about their normal routines in the capital of the Western States. Now carnage fell about them as the city of Chicago was on fire, taking little comfort from the fact that their own biplanes and anti-air were wreaking havoc on the invading forces. All they could understand was their city around them was burning, that ruble was landing on them, and that many of their loved ones and friends were dead.

Quebec Liberation Front

Red Wolf reread the dispatch from Chicago with trepidation. On so many levels he was shocked by the carnage that had rained down on the Capital. It didn’t make any sense for them to make a suicide attack like that, but the Confeds had. It would send ripples through the West, and he was sure the full army might would be charging towards Richmond soon. Perhaps that had been the goal, to pull forces off the front lines with Texas. He knew Texas was feeling the pressure, yes it was a big state, but really only eastern Texas had anything. If the army pushed them into the wilderness, it wouldn’t be pretty. Honestly, Texas was really the only big player in this whole affair.

That’s why the air raid on Chicago was so dumb.

Regardless, he had rebels to teach and arm, and nothing changed that yet. He folded the dispatch and headed back down the path towards the shore. It wasn’t easy sneaking shipments past Toronto, they were on high alert, and they would no doubt be more so now that the Confeds had attacked Chicago. Only a fool took a wounded bear for granted. However, there was now a bit of luck, Newfoundlanders had decided they to were tired of the Canadian government. And a larger civil war north of the border was better for his country. It kept Canada out of the fight, and the United North might be drawn to that conflict and not their western and southern flanks.

Black Sheep Flotilla

Commander Miller rubbed the scar on his face as he read the dispatches in his ready room. Chicago had been hit. Nearly all of it had been burned to the ground or blasted into pieces. The Government of the Western States had moved to Milwaukee. He forced himself to stop rubbing his scar, it was becoming a bad habit, and clasped his hands together.

This wasn’t good. It felt like a gut punch to him, and he had now idea what it would feel like to the rest of the men underneath him. Most of his crew was from Louisiana, but some had come from up north. This could be seen as a symbolic win for the Confederate forces, to hit so deep into Western territory. He got up and moved to his wall of charts, studying the southern coast of North America. The Belmount, New Orleans, Miranda, and Venture had started to patrol the southern coast against the Confederate’s Florida navy. It hadn’t been much action so far. They had been able to destroy one monitor and chase a cruiser eastward. But no signs of larger vessels heading towards Texan’s aid. Even after the successful landings.

He clasped his hands behind him, and made a decision. Striding from the room he headed down the brief hallway and onto the bridge.

“Captain on deck,” a man with lieutenant cuffs announced but he waved his hand.

“At ease,” he muttered heading towards communication, “radio the New Orleans, I want to talk Lieutenant Commander Lincoln.”

“Right away, sir,” the ensign said as he slipped the earmuffs on and started to spin the rotary.

He nodded and tried to project an air of calm he didn’t feel. He was positive that the attack on Chicago was either a distraction or an indicator that something bigger was starting up. Either way, the navy stationed in Florida was going to be showing their face, of that, he was sure. His flotilla needed to be ready.

Norton Industries

Elizabeth’s fist squeezed the paper dispatch into a ball of pulp as she stood up at her desk. She let it fall amongst the litany of order forms and schematics scattered across her desk. Images of her brother’s face haunting her as she moved to the liquor cabinet. She flung the door open and pulled out the decanter of whiskey. It had been her father’s favorite, from the old country he liked to joke, and it had also been her brother’s favorite as well.

She had hated the stuff.

But, as she poured a glass, and drowned the horrible memories stirred anew by the attack on Chicago, she realized it had slowly grown on her. Just as controlling her father’s business empire. No, her empire now, her empire with one goal in mind. She swallowed more of the liquor and stalked back towards her desk.

The main problem with attack the south right now was the heat and swamps. The Appalachia mountains didn’t help much either. But the biplane was leveling that playing field to a degree, which gave some sense to the attack on Chicago. If the engine had enough fuel they could fly from Richmond, or some place closer, and attack Chicago with little warning. They just had to avoid major settlements.

Her company was already producing armored tractors, though she could call them tanks now, it was all the rage in Europe after all. Point of fact she was running her factors to near exhaustion, but it didn’t matter if the tanks couldn’t be utilized effectively because of the ground. She needed something more mobile, both that could utilize the rivers and rocky terrain of the Confederate States. Otherwise, they would just abandon Richmond for Charlotteville. That was the talk her spies had learned during the last war cabinet. One which she had still not been invited to. That didn’t matter though, and she picked up the orders for the new rounds of ammunition her government had just purchased. In time she would be at those meetings, especially if she could figure out a new military weapon for them to use.

She sat back down and took a long sip of her whiskey. She would soon be allowed in, and she would get her revenge on the south. Her brother, and now all the citizens of Chicago demanded it.  

DC Month April Batgirl

This month I am discussing my favorite characters within Detective Comics, and now I am on the Batgirls. I will say, I am a bigger fan of DC than I am of Marvel. The best description that I heard to differentiate the two, is that the heroes of Marvel are people trying to be better, and DC are gods trying to be human. I don’t remember where I heard it, but it is apt. DC really does follow the Greek tales. At least I would make that claim. So, Barbra Gordon, Stephanie Brown, and Cassandra Cain. Each of these have become my favorite due to the stories around them.

And, I am not a fan of The Killing Joke, neither the comic nor media around it. One, Barbra was not a character in it, and though the film tried to fix it, it didn’t. So, it was a woman being shoved into a fridge. Now, Stephanie has been treated dirty in the comics, when she was Robin, she was killed. That is a thing that comics do, a lot, and it becomes messy. Honestly different writers, different editors, no consistency. These are great characters, with a rich history, and both were done dirty.

Cassandra Cain, I will say, has some of the darkest themes in comics. The fact that she was raised to be a killer, and nothing else, makes her journey from that to a person so fascinating.

Going back to the DC Animated Universe, and Young Justice, Barbra really shines in those stories. Especially in Young Justice, but the Batman Live action show from the 60s is also a good portrayal, as much as the 60s can be. The 60s are a weird period of time. But to be fair, the show is still good, I love the camp of the 60s. Birds of Prey is also an interesting take of the Batman story, Barbra is there in her Oracle role. To be fair Barbra as Oracle is the brains of all the heroes within Gotham and Bludhaven.

I will say this, however, despite how dark and noir Batgirl can be, and all of these characters showcase this. Barbra is the daughter of a cop, who occasionally cheats on her mother or is divorced, Stephanie and Cassandra are similar with their parents being villains. There has never really been a good highlight of them. I haven’t gotten into the Arrowverse, so I am lacking that knowledge. So, after saying that and looking it up, I didn’t know Birds of Prey is part of the Arrowverse, so I actually did watch that. DC is huge, and sometimes I don’t know all of the little details.

The thing being, I want Batgirl to get better treatment, and the realization that adding them to the Batman stories in other media doesn’t make them less. The stories of the Robins and Batgirls are just as dark and noir as Batman can be. Just imaging a story where a child is not shown love, just brutal training, to the point that a person cannot talk. I think people cannot get past Batman and Robin, and that is just one interpretation of the story. I wish they would have released the Batgirl movie. The could have been that is what hurts. It might have been bad, it might have been great, and we’ll never know. Batgirl really does deserve better. That includes Stephanie and Cassandra as well.

Rain Storms

Red it flows out of the cavern well
Shadows cross the battered dell,
Years the storms have swept and swelled
Upon this old decrepit dell.

Sadness to has played it’s part
Chained and bound to this cart
Up the hill we have trod with no support
Enough to break any heart

And lo what wafts through the air
Floral sense can be smelt everywhere
Deprived of this sweat sensation for many years
Now it dances upon the nose,
Its bewitching aroma does ensnare
And with it erases many cares

Tears form upon my eyes
Even as the true materializes
Will this sense of smell depart
Will I have wish goodbye
To a pleasure rarely known
A dagger of logic through my heart

DC Month April Young Justice

The next round of DC heroes that I consider my favorite are all tied to the show Young Justice, which I have stated is a wonderful show. It took itself serious, even though I am sure many would not have said anything if they had just created a simple show for kids, and the stories were deep and the characters had depth. This show took the characters from the comics and created these very real characters, and the voice actors did much to bring them to life. And some of my musing on these characters will contain spoilers.

It brought my attention to Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Artemis. Along with fleshing out and giving great character moments to Kid Flash (Wally West) and Speedy. In fact it took moments from the comics and cleaned them up. To be fair, television shows, and comics, are different media. But the comics can sometimes take really good characters and destroy them, and I am looking at the new 52 Teen Titans. It really didn’t utilize their characters well. There were some heroes, that they just butchered, which compared to how popular a character was in Young Justice, was a waste. I would assume the comics would want synergy with the shows, not fight them.

But I digress, and I will start with Aqualad, and the story that made me fall in love with his character. This one specifically is the son of Black Manta, and that is a great twist. Which, to be fair, Artemis had the same story in Young Justice, which included her sister Cheshire. Which also ties in with what they did with Speedy in Young Justice. Now in the comics he has a daughter with Cheshire as well, and I am so glad they didn’t do what the comic did, and kill her off. Comic writers do that, a lot, they kill characters off for drama. It’s not dramatic, especially as it keeps happening, I think comic writers are sort of stinted when it comes to character writing. They don’t know how to write a healthy or semi-healthy relationship. Or not one that keeps tension. So they tend to put a lot of women into the fridge. Something that I find sort of lacking. It’s why I praise Young Justice so much.

Miss Martian is a white Martian, which on Mars is looked down on. Sort of, it’s comics, it’s complicated. In the show they streamlined it to a form of racism, and for a show that works. It makes her outer self conflict with her inner, and it generates tension by her trying to keep that secret. It also explains why her relationship with Superboy is so rocky in the show. Which itself is a great romance subplot. It’s a will they won’t they, while at the same time having a relationship between Speedy ie Red Arrow, who is clone, and Cheshire. Also the best relationship in the show, Kid Flash and Artemis, enemies to lovers.

Like I said, they show, really did go all out with the story. Kid Flash is a goober in this, but is still the love-able heart of gold character. Artemis and Miss Martian hiding who they are, Aqualad trying to be a good leader, and I am not even brining up the other heroes that are in this show. But as the show went on, the writers really did give us one of the healthiest superhero relationship ever shown on Television with Kid Flash and Artemis. Every character in the show is great, Nightwing and Zatanna are also the other heroes, but they are in other posts.

This show really condensed and cut out the clutter from the comics, and brought these characters to life. I am a sucker for romance stories in shows, so I loved the drama of all three of the relationships. I loved the how complex Aqualad was. How broken and in need of friends Miss Martian was. Like a character who bases her entire personality on a television show, that is good writing, because it really does capture the real fear some of us had growing up.

Episodes to highlight each of the characters, S1 Ep4 “Dropzone”, S1 Ep6 “Infiltrator”, S1 Ep7 “Denial”, S1 Ep16 “Failsafe”, S1 Ep20 “Coldhearted”, S2 Ep4 “Salvage”, and I think I will leave it there. To be honest however, this isn’t a show that can be watched randomly, so I would start at the beginning and just watch the entire show. It is a blink and you will miss something sort of show. I know I have been drawing a lot of my reasons for liking these characters from the three shows, JLA, Teen Titans, and Young Justice, however these shows really did capture the characters, to me, fully. Yeah there are some minor changes here and there, but the writers really did know what they were doing with these stories and characters. Especially Young Justice, this show really let the DC Heroes shine, and I think it should be remembered with the same nostalgic love that the DC Animated Universe and Teen Titans has.

Faith Musings

I have surgery today, and I don’t know how I will feel after. A person I know who has had the same surgery described the feeling after as getting punched in the nose repeatedly. I am pretty sure that I will feel pretty awful to be frank. But, something happened that highlights what I try to point out in my own way.

I am a spiritualist and a Buddhist, and am a firm believer in being respectful towards each other and religion. I know it may not seem it, I can be very critical, and I grew up in the country where many are cruel in their practices. They force others to conform, and they cry wolf, act the victim, when they are asked to give a modicum of tolerance to others. It can get really frustrating, especially for me who believes in individual rights, and that everyone can make up their own mind about things.

Now, age has mellowed me out, that is true, I used to be more of a firebrand. But, there are things about the teachings of Jesus that I continued to value. I still value them, and it’s frustrating to see the louder aspects of Christianity not. Just, they are not able to defend themselves to that criticism because they have left the path a long time ago for the comfortable lie of wealth and power. They cannot see that they’re the Romans of the Bible now.

And they don’t want to acknowledge the large spectrum of human history or beliefs, because that would mean they would loose something. However, because of that narrow mindset, they don’t realize what they can gain by broadening their understanding of the universe. It can be scarry to think that we are small and not important, or at least that is what it will feel like at first, but then you realize we’re the only current sentient race that evolved with enough time to see the background radiation of the Big Bang. We’re in the Goldilocks zone of understanding and if we destroy ourselves that understanding goes with us. The back ground radiation will eventually dissipate away. It doesn’t weaken God or the Gods to believe in science, I would argue it strengthens it.

All of this musing, and I hinted this at the top, from one of my coworkers asking to pray for me. One I understand what that means, that a person is worried and is wishing that everything goes well, because it’s out of our hands so to speak. It’s why when I was in a car crash and my aunts prayed for me it didn’t make me mad. They could do anything really, they couldn’t take the hurt away, we are all scrapping the bottom of the barrel to survive, so they couldn’t just give me financial help. And I am not saying they are poor, we live in a society with Billionaires. We shouldn’t, but we have Reagan to thank for that, and every other Republican President allowing corporations to seize power away from the government. People are sending good vibes, and that does matter.

But this was the first time I was asked, and that to me was revolutionary. It was so nice to be asked, if I wanted I could say no thank you, but I was very touched. Being asked respected my beliefs, and it was asking me to share another’s. That is what Christians should be doing. Not I am going to pray for you or asserting their faith, but sharing it, asking for permission. That is a lesson I think needs to be learned. If you respect others, they will respect you, and sharing faith does make both stronger. Respecting others doesn’t make a faith weaker, we are seeing the opposite in fact.

Now, if those that want to, you may. They are drilling the pullups out of my sinus cavities, and the one I am worried about is the one by my spinal cord. I know I could survive loosing the use of my legs. There is nothing wrong with a wheel chair. But, loosing the complete use of my body would be a set back for me. Because I am a writer I do ponder what it would be like to be blind, deaf, or crippled. I even think about what I would do if I got cancer or Parkinson’s, both of which are in my family. And I could survive, I probably could being full paralyzed as well, but it wouldn’t be easy. But I only have a few more minutes before the surgery so I should get ready.