Star Trek Fubar

And again, Paramount/CBS in it’s infant wisdom has gone out of it’s way to tell it’s fans to (swear-word) off with these new guidelines stated here.


It baffles me how a studio, can have it’s collective heads so far up their asses, that they harm their property in such a manner.

Thoughts about guns

So recently another massive shooting has occurred, which is a tragedy, and which fills me with a lot of sadness. Well that and a tired feelings.

Mainly cause, though I could be wrong, I have seen the song and dance happen to many times now. Americans are very divided about this.

Now I don’t believe that we should remove guns, but I do believe that getting a gun should not be as easy as it is.

We have laws, yes, but they are almost worthless in keeping people who shouldn’t have guns from not getting them.

But each side goes to the extreme. In face that seems to be the new trend. Which is perhaps why nothing will change.

I hope this is not the cause, but I feat that it is.


Regardless of who the Democratic nominee is I will still write in Bernie Sanders, but I get really tired of bs from both parties, which is why I stay Independent.

Which is why I think many my age do too.

We are tired of the way it’s ‘same old same old’ and we are always forced to choose the lesser of the two evils. And this Democratic nomination process highlights it.

Clinton bullied her way to the top, through cheating, manipulation and force.

We’ve seen this, and then she wants us to vote for her.

Right, because the alternate is Trump.

But she’s no better.

So in the end we have the choice between ‘Hitler and Hitler-lite’ that’s what it boils down to. Both are bad, Hitler-lite though is worse, because it’s pretending she’s not a crazy tyrannical dictator. Who does not value human lives, and with her as President, we will have more bloodshed than we did under Bush.

I will write in Bernie Sanders name.

Because to me, he is a man of integrity and honor.

And as much as people dis-like him, that is why I voted for Obama. It was for the same reasons. And he has worked hard to turn America around, despite what some of us have to say about that.

And we didn’t pick Clinton then.

And we shouldn’t now.

Star Trek Fubar

So I grew up with Star Trek, my father was one of the original Trekkers, he doesn’t like Trekkie; there are a couple of fans out there like that. So when I saw Prelude to Axanar I was blown away. It was fantastic, it captured what Star Trek was to me. It filled in the details between Enterprise and the Original Series quite well too.

And I wanted to see them make more so I did donate, happily, it was like I was a child again.

Then CBS/Paramount filled a lawsuit, which may be dropped here, but like many it was a slap in the face.

I am sorry for those that sided with CBS/Paramount, but it was clear why.

It was because of the support behind it, and how with little they had made much. Especially with how badly the new movie, Into Darkness, and the outcry against the fact that the new show would be on CBS access, which you would need the internet and pay for, and the reaction to the new trailer for Beyond, the fan reaction was toxic.

And how dare a small fan film show them up.

They needed to kill it.

Instead of working with them, and hiring them, due to their abilities, they decided to attack. And it the lawsuit was the decision of an Executive, and the majority of the fan base knows it, which is why many were angered by it. Because they did the worst thing they could of to deal with this. It would have been smarter to hire them to do some of the work on the new series, that would have endeared the fans, that they too, if they work hard and produce something fantastic, could actually work on Star Trek themselves.

It would also help them find new, eager filmmakers.

Star Trek Fubar; is something one of my friends, around the same age as my father, a Trekker, has used.

And that is what CBS/Paramount has created with their new movies and series.

Star Trek Fubar.

New Movie Project

So last year I helped a friend with his film, and a couple of other editing jobs for him. They were fun, but they were also film, which means they were also difficult.

The fun thing though is, I am doing it again, and this time I will be more involved.

And I am okay with that, I love film making, the good parts and the bad parts. I just like creating.

And it’ll be horror, and I am a huge fan of horror. 🙂

Canvas Skies

So working hard on the comic that was launched at Anime Detour, Canvas Skies; and I am proud of myself, the person I am working on this comic with has created deadlines, and I have made them.

And I really enjoy writing them, alternate history is fantastic, Steampunk is also fantastic and something that I have grown to love, as is the wild-west. I still plan to purchase a peacemaker.

All of it is really fun to do/write.

And I love seeing the images, to see the words I write, the characters that I have helped create, come to life.

And I can’t wait till we officially launch it, and I can go and read it myself.

Anime Detour

So I was at Anime Detour this weekend in Minnesota, and I had a blast, even had a pre-launch party for the comic I’m writing and having finally seen the art I am stoked.

But there is one thing that I realized, it is very hard to let the people who inspired you to write know that they have.

You have to open up, and say thank you, and it’s not always easy, and it’s hard to bring it up. Especially at a convention.

But that is where it happened.

Years ago, 2010, I graduated with a film degree, and had no idea where to go.

I knew I wanted to create, but finding an outlet was hard, and I also was dealing with some very strong negative emotions.

It wasn’t the greatest cocktail, and it really would have probably ended somewhere not good.

2013, and I go to Anime Detour, and I go to panels hosted by Chris Ayres and J. Michael Tatum.

And something clicks.

The wheels start grinding forwards again, I remember what I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid. I wanted to write, I wanted to be an author.

And I started to work at it.

Which is the thing you have to do.

I went home and wrote Jewel Princess and the Shadow Lord.

I started to write The Last Sunlord. (Which I still have to edit.)

The following year, 2014, I meet Jeff, and I start working on Canvas Skies.

And after last year Detour, 2015, I published, Blades of Sorrow and Paper Prison.

And soon I will finish editing The Last Sunlord and The Mermaid’s Tear; editing not being my favorite thing to do, and will finish writing a couple of pulp books.

And all of it steaming from, going to Anime Detour in 2013, going to the panels hosted by Chris Ayres and J. Michael Tatum, and reconnecting to a part of me, that had been smothered by life.

Which is really hard to say face to face, and I wanted to this year, just it’s not easy to work up the courage to say it in person.

But something that I believe should be said, because, well people usually will always get criticized in life, sometimes, I know in my case, can be deserved, and sometimes, I know in my case, not.

And the times when you effect a person, one whose trying to figure things out, who feels hopelessly lost and confused, and who may be slipping downwards emotionally.

When you give that person the direction they seek; even by just attending a convention and going to panels and talking, it can really create something good in their lives and they may want to say thank you.

And I may have missed my chance to say it in person this year, though I did try and pass it on through others, but I do want it out there.

Because, Thank You.

There is a reason that Anime Detour holds a special place in my heart, I’m an extroverted introvert; and outside of conventions, I am quietish, and I am aware that at conventions I am not. This can led to me placing my foot very far into my mouth, though I try and remove it quickly when I do. Seriously I try not to say stupid things. It was the first convention I went to, back in 2005, and though I missed a couple years, I don’t ever plan on it again. It allows me to be me, and that is not something you get to do in life that often.

And it pointed me in the direction I wanted to go, and it gives me the feels every year. Even if I’m not so keen on showing it or talking about it.

Edit : When I linked this with my facebook I added this; and I realized that this afterthought was also kind of on the same level, and also expressed my love for Anime Detour, so I wanted to thumbtack it on here too.

I would like to say though, that every guest; all of them; make Detour special. Because it really is more than a convention when you’re there. Every guest I’ve met at Detour, has made a positive impact. I go home and find a new determination to, keep writing, keep striving forward. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am not just using that to keep moving, I have plenty of reasons to keep striving forward, but, it’s nice to attend a convention that is so positive, from the staff, guest, and attendees.It’s fantastic to be around that energy. And to be fair to other cons, they have that as well, it’s hard to be negative at conventions. But this was the first convention that I went to, and from it’s humble roots, to now; for me high school, through college, to now. I may be on the outside, it took me a while to go from an introvert to an extroverted introvert, and I may be a noisy background character, but even to me Detour has become family.


Facebook Post

I posted this on Facebook, but I thought, why not; it really is in the same vein as other posts I have done.

Here is the thing I have been thinking about for a bit here; when you look at the, lets call it what it is ‘the wrong-side’ that some of our society takes on social subjects, there is a really disturbing trend. What I am talking about is, ‘minorities’, and even that word is not really correct, but this is about America’s white privilege, and there is a long list of ethnicities and gendericities, that the ‘conservative’ part of America, has caused great suffering too. And I kind of want to focus on the why; which is not to hard, it’s ‘the other’; And that’s the disturbing part, they are not seen as ‘real people’. And people need to stand up against that, ‘people’ are harder to hate and persecute. That’s where the saying comes from, ‘For evil to prevail, good men need not do anything.’ Yeah I know it’s not the direct quote, moving on, that’s why it’s the ‘wrong-side.’ Because it flies in the face of all ‘we’, we as in humans, have been taught about morality. Treat other’s the way you want to be treated, judge not lest ye be judged, everyone has the right to life, liberty, wealth and the pursuit of happiness. (If you’re wondering combined the original quote from Locke, with Jefferson’s; He got it from Locke in the first place, I think we can start combining the two.) It would just be nice, if the part of society that was terrified and hate-filled, would stop. I guess is what I am saying with this. Because it is very apparent that they view who they are attacking as less than human, and that’s never a good way to look at another person.