Poem I wrote awhile ago

So I was driving when inspiration hit me, so this poem ended up written on my arm. Didn’t have paper, did have a pen, so yeah my arm got covered with this pretty dark poem. 🙂

You will not see my cuts
For they are buried deep within
Right below the surface
Just inside the skin

I earn to let others see
The wounds that are parts of me
But this I must hide
If I want people by my side

Forever I have felt alone
Fighting my demons on my own
What I would trade for some hope
But more cuts I cannot cope

Science Fiction and Evolution

So briefly, and this is from watching documentary on the subject, which doesn’t make me an expert, scientist theorize that dinosaurs had already started to die out because they had evolved to such a degree that they were too specialized. Which to me is a fantastic thought, and while watching Earth Final Conflict on DVD I became curious. Now I had watched this show when it was on television but that was when I was around 13, so most of it is sort of blurry so I wiki-ed it to refresh my memory. It to dealt with alien species that had evolved to such a degree that they were dying out. Now this is something that science-fiction sometimes brings up, more so with science-fiction from the Roddenberrys, but it’s something that fascinates me. There are events on this planet where a species is too evolved for it’s environment. Now this is something that I believe, and which is why I think we should colonize space and which is why we could be seen as a threat, humans did not evolve to fill a role, well I believe we evolved so the universe would be able to understand it’s self, but look at our species our greatest attribute is our ability to adapt. Not only to our environment, but with the ability to adapt it to us. We are adaption evolved, not specialization. In a way barring some world destroying event, or aliens who feel threatened by us, we could in some way survive until the “death” of the universe. No wonder the Doctor loves us, we are endless possibilities.

First blog post

This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it.

Already have with the other posts that are mine, and I don’t really consider this my first post, just someone else trying to co-opt my first post.

So go away other more upbeat salesman-like post.

Okay, so really I just decided to mock the ‘First blog post’ more for my own enjoyment. I debated deleting it, or doing something different. Ignored it for the longest time, and mocking seemed more in line with my humor. 

So I will leave this up, including my unfunny mockery.