Helluva Boss, “The Full Moon” Thoughts

Currently I have this song from the show playing on repeat in my head, because I was informed by the internet that the clown sisters are also clown fish…that is so clever. It is also a great song, though the song after it blows it out of the water, like, everyone whose worked for aContinue reading “Helluva Boss, “The Full Moon” Thoughts”

What qualifies as Anime

The previous weekend, March 29th to March 31st, I attended Anime Detour. It is one of the conventions that I have attended since I was a Senior. In fact that it was the first convention that I went to, I have actually grown up with this convention, I have meet my friends and coworkers atContinue reading “What qualifies as Anime”

Favorite Generation Pokémon 6

Continuing the ongoing posts using this website to select my favorite Pokémon by generation, we come to generation 6, X and Y. Honestly the one thing that I am surprised by in this generation was that there was never a third game. There was no Z. It’s also interesting to compare the previous generation ofContinue reading “Favorite Generation Pokémon 6”