Adding to Yesterday’s thoughts

I made a quick post yesterday, basically commenting a bit off-hand that culture changes, and that it’s getting a bit tiring to deal with the constant bombardment of ‘woke this, and woke that’. Especially since it’s been done before, multiple times, over and over through out history, and it’s all tied into fear. Just wantedContinue reading “Adding to Yesterday’s thoughts”

Does Might Make Right?

Moral panics, are some of the most damaging things the human race partakes in. It also lets those that actually hurt others hide and use scapegoats to gain power. The largest, are the witch trials of Europe and America. There are historical reasons, especially in Europe, there were wars and famines sweeping across the nations.Continue reading “Does Might Make Right?”

New Spirituality

At the moment when asked, I tell people that I am a Buddhist, more specifically a Theravada Buddhist. Because that is the school of Buddhism that I resonate with. However, because of how I learned it, and with the background of being an ELCA Lutheran, as well as delving deep into Philosophy. I am notContinue reading “New Spirituality”