DC Month April Future

The final post of, well let’s call it a holiday special, is my favorite television show from my childhood, and one of the runner up. This is after pondering this for a long time, but Batman Beyond was something, at least to me, special. From the opening credits, highlighting the tech-noir feel of the show,Continue reading “DC Month April Future”

DC Month April Boys in Blue

This month I have been discussing which DC heroes are my favorite, and why I love them. I realized that I really haven’t discussed the character’s backstories, or at least I haven’t gone into their stories, not in any significant depth. One I want to avoid giving to much away, I think the joy ofContinue reading “DC Month April Boys in Blue”

DC Month April Young Justice

The next round of DC heroes that I consider my favorite are all tied to the show Young Justice, which I have stated is a wonderful show. It took itself serious, even though I am sure many would not have said anything if they had just created a simple show for kids, and the storiesContinue reading “DC Month April Young Justice”

DC Month April Teen Titans

On this journey we now come to one of the heroes whose stayed close to my heart regardless of how I have changed. Dick Grayson, not Ric, Nightwing. Along with Starfire and Raven. I am also going to re-iterate that, it is not Ric, it will never be Ric, and that is one of theContinue reading “DC Month April Teen Titans”

DC Month April JLA

As I mentioned in the previous post, I grew up in the 90s, with the animated cartoon Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. As such, to me, they are the defining portrayals of my favorite DC superheroes. Which, to be fair, I would say that shows that spawned from Batman the animated series and SupermanContinue reading “DC Month April JLA”

DC Month of April

I think, this April, I might make a few quick posts about my favorite DC superheroes. It has been on my mind here for a while, just between teaching and writing I haven’t had the opportunity to really delve into it. Now out of the superheroes, at least comic superheroes, Detective Comics has always beenContinue reading “DC Month of April”