One dislike about Dune

Alright, so off the bat, I have read the first two books as well as seeing all of the current media adaptations of the books so far. I am pretty sure; the 80s film, the mini series, and now the current. And for fun I have even looked up some of the videos for theContinue reading “One dislike about Dune”

Dune Part 2 Second Look

*SPOILERS* Last week my friends and I went to another showing of Dune part 2, as of today, and I felt like sharing some more of my thoughts. And, with this post, this one will be full of spoilers. Both for the movies, and for the books. This universe is rich with story telling, andContinue reading “Dune Part 2 Second Look”

Dune part 2 first thoughts

To start I am going to try and not spoil anything. For context, I have watched the 80’s Dune movie, the the TV mini series(both of them), and I have read the first two books. I have also looked ahead on wikis and watched Youtubers discuss the series. I plan to read more of theContinue reading “Dune part 2 first thoughts”