Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 6

Hatchling watched her sister’s blades slice into the fake carapace of the invader, she was one of the healer units, and the being she was working on was dying. She had hoped to talk with them, but as soon as they had spotted them, she had underestimated their sensor abilities in the dark, they hadContinue reading “Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 6”

Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 5

Five leapt through the air, the sound of her jump servos wining in her ears, and she braced herself for the landing. As she as she did, she swept the area with eyes her HUD in night vision mode. It made the forest brighter than it would have otherwise would’ve been. It was even scanningContinue reading “Homunculus: Angelic Requiem 5”

DC Month April Magic

Coming to the end of the month, and I am now coming toward the end of my favorite DC characters. Doctor Fate and Zattana. Sometimes they are linked together, sometimes they are not. Kent Nelson is the main partner of Nabu, but there are others, since Doctor Fate is really more the helmet. Honestly, everContinue reading “DC Month April Magic”

Dune part 2 first thoughts

To start I am going to try and not spoil anything. For context, I have watched the 80’s Dune movie, the the TV mini series(both of them), and I have read the first two books. I have also looked ahead on wikis and watched Youtubers discuss the series. I plan to read more of theContinue reading “Dune part 2 first thoughts”

Concerning Hobbits

I tend to discuss what I dislike about the movie adaptations of the Lord of the Rings Films. From how the orcs are handled, to Faramir, they did my boy dirty. To my Faramir is mankind’s redemption, compared to mankind’s failure with Boromir. That is due to Gandalf being an Istari, and Aragorn being somewhatContinue reading “Concerning Hobbits”

Thoughts on Modern LotR

Here is the thing, I have not watched LotR Rings of Power. I don’t really have time, and I am not really interested. The moment that I found out that they really don’t have the rights to The Silmarilion, I didn’t want to watch it. That is because it’s not going to have that sparkContinue reading “Thoughts on Modern LotR”